Joachim Meyer (professor)Joachim Meyer (Hebrew: יואכים מאיר; born: 1957) is Celia and Marcos Maus Professor for Data Sciences at the Department of Industrial Engineering at Tel-Aviv University. His work deals with human decisions in interactions with intelligent systems and he is a fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Joachim Meyer was born in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany. He emigrated to Israel in 1973, completed high school at the Kanot agricultural school, did IDF service and was discharged as a lieutenant.
Jean Pierre SerrierJean Pierre Serrier (18 October 1934 – 30 March 1989) was a French painter known for surrealism and absurdist art. He was born in the Montparnasse district of Paris, the son of Louis and Solange Serrier. His father fought in World War II and became a prisoner of war. In 1940, as a six-year-old, he and his mother fled Paris for Corrèze in southwest France. Childhood memories of close escapes from German bombardments would later influence his absurdist philosophy of life.
Édouard Le RoyÉdouard Louis Emmanuel Julien Le Roy (edwaʁ ləʁwa; 18 June 1870 in Paris – 10 November 1954 in Paris) was a French philosopher and mathematician. Le Roy entered the École Normale Supérieure in 1892, and received the agrégation in mathematics in 1895. He became Doctor in Sciences in 1898, taught in several high schools, and became in 1909 professor of mathematics at the Lycée Saint-Louis in Paris. From then on, Le Roy took an important interest in philosophy and metaphysics.
ImagologyImagology is a branch of comparative literature. More specifically, it is concerned with "the study of cross-national perceptions and images as expressed in literary discourse“. While it adopts a constructivist perspective on national stereotypes, it does emphasize that these stereotypes may have real social effects. It was developed in the 1950s with practitioners in France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. It never gained much of a foothold in anglophone academia.