The paper presents room temperature photoreflectance measurements carried out on the Au/ultrathin Si/n-crystalline GaAs structure with the silicon interlayer thickness gradually changing from about 4-27 Angstrom prepared in situ under ultra-high-vacuum conditions. A continuous change of the phase shift of the corresponding photoreflectance signal of more than 180 degrees has been observed in the Eg-critical-point oscillation of GaAs depending on the Si interlayer thickness. The explanation of the effect is based on the composition changes of the Au/Si interface monitored by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The photoreflectance results are compared to the photoreflectance signal phase changes observed on the semi-insulating GaAs surfaces exposed to the low-temperature hydrogen plasma. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
Christoph Bostedt, Andre Al Haddad, Thomas Roland Barillot
Klaus Kern, Magalí Alejandra Lingenfelder, Fernando Pablo Cometto, Bart Willem Stel, Daniel Eduardo Hurtado Salinas