The CamClay model has been extensively used in numerous research programmes for constitutive modelling in Soil Mechanics during the past quarter of a century. Several derivations of this model are now available and routinely used for numerical simulations in the geomechanical engineering field. However, to the authors' knowledge the thermodynamical basis of this model in its original form has never been established, at least in a modern thermodynamics framework. The thermodynamics principle proposed by Ziegler is very expedient for this purpose as the non-associated flow rule may be considered. This approach is applied to the CamClay model with the Roscoe dilatancy rule. A dissipation function and free energy are specified in terms of kinematic variables (i.e. state and internal variables), and the material response is derived entirely from these functions.
Daniel Maria Busiello, Amos Maritan, Deepak Gupta
Karen Scrivener, Patrick Juilland, Aslam Kunhi Mohamed, Fabien Jacques Michel Georget, Thomas Matschei