Using a fermiology approach to the computation of the magnetic susceptibility measured by neutron scattering in hole-doped high-T-c superconductors, we estimate the effects on the incommensurate peaks caused by higher d-wave harmonics of the superconducting order parameter induced by underdoping. The input parameters for the Fermi surface and d-wave gap are taken directly from angle-resolved photoemission experiments on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x (Bi2212). We find that higher d-wave harmonics lower the momentum-dependent spin gap at the incommensurate peaks as measured by the lowest spectral edge of the imaginary part in the frequency dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of Bi2212. This effect is robust whenever the fermiology approach captures the physics of high-T-c superconductors. At energies above the resonance we observe diagonal incommensurate peaks. We show that the crossover from parallel incommensuration below the resonance energy to diagonal incommensuration above it is connected to the values and the degeneracies of the minima of the two-particle energy continuum.
Klaus Kern, Markus Etzkorn, Jacob Senkpiel