Paolo BenettinI was born in Padova, Italy, in 1986. After high school, I started the Environmental Engineering program at the University of Padova (Bachelor and Master), where I followed the 'soil protection' curriculum. During my Master studies I spent a semester as Erasmus student at Wageningen University (Wageningen, the Netherlands) to follow courses in Hydrology. After graduation, I decided to bring my education further and I started a Ph.D. at the civil and environmental engineering department at the University of Padova. My Ph.D. thesis focused on hydrologic transport and travel time distributions at the catchment scale. My contribution to the subject included both new theoretical formulations and extensive numerical applications to real catchments. During my Ph.D., I also spent 7 months as visiting research fellow at Virginia Tech University (Blacksburg, USA). Since I arrived at EPFL as post-doc in 2015, I started being involved in field and experimental activities, which allowed me to learn about practical experimental problems. In 2017 I had the opportunity to by hired by the ECHO laboratory as a permanent scientist, conducting research in the field of catchment hydrology.
Cara Christine TobinCARA C. TOBIN, PE
Civil Engineer
PhD in Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Fulbright Fellowship
Master's in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, National Science Foundation (NSF) Fellowship Recipient
Bachelor's in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Fellow
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland, MINERVE2011
· Research on Predicting floods and managing hydropower in the Swiss Alps. Project includes improving knowledge of hydrological processes and conducting uncertainty analysis.
10/2007 - present
Asian Development Bank: World Bank, Baku, Azerbaijan
· Environmental engineering specialist in charge of reviewing environmental aspects of water supply and wastewater discharge designs. Environmental Assessments Performed and managed the local environmental, social and resettlement specialists.
02/2009 - 07/2009
Asian Development Bank / World Bank, Yerevan, Armenia
· Environmental engineering specialist for the assessment of water supply designs. Performed Environmental Assessments and Resettlement due diligence.
01/2008 - 04/2008
Temple University, Department of Civil Engineering, Philadelphia, USA
· Adjunct Professor for Environmental Engineering,
Introduction to the Environment and Environmental Engineering
CH2M HILL, Environmental Engineering Consultancy, Philadelphia, USA
· Project leader for river discharge ammonia toxicity study
· Engineer in charge of over $ 100,000 in WWTP design upgrades
MWH Ltd., Environmental Engineering Consultancy, Christchurch, NZ and Brisbane, AU
Leader hydraulic engineer for major components of a $ 150 million wastewater and desalination project
· Head shape for a dozen water and groundwater projects
Kennedy / Jenks Consultants, Civil Engineering Consultancy, San Francisco, USA
· Environmental engineer in charge of Drinking Water Source Assessments and water quality sampling programs
Stanford Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab, USA
· Developer of a 3D computer model simulating turbulent mixing at lateral boundaries due to steepening and breaking of internal waves
Georgia Instititute of Technology, Civil Engineering Labs, USA
· Analyzed influence of copper sorption rates on particle flocculation kinetics
Developed turbulence · PIV experiments in hydraulic flume
. Fluent en Anglais et Français, proficient in Spanish
· Professional Civil Engineer (PE072050), ASCE, AGU, Fulbright Alumnus
· Experienced with ArcGIS, Matlab, R Statistical Analysis, MapInfo, MODFLOW, H2OMap, AutoCAD, Idrisi, Unix / Lenox, Fortran, NetCDF, Visual Basic