Mirjana StojilovicMirjana Stojilović received the Dipl. Ing. and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, in 2006 and 2013, respectively. From 2010 to 2013, she was collaborating with the Processor Architecture Laboratory at EPFL, visiting periodically as a Guest Researcher. From 2013 to 2016, she was working at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland as a senior researcher, and at EPFL as a lecturer. She joined Parallel Systems Architecture Lab at EPFL in October 2016. Mirjana's main research interests include electronic design automation, reconfigurable computing, electromagnetic-compatibility and signal-integrity issues, and hardware security. Mirjana Stojilović serves on the program committee of the FPGA, FPL, and FCCM conferences and as a reviewer for IEEE TCAD, TVLSI, TC, TEMC, IEEE Access and ACM TRETS. She received the Best Paper Award at 2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe 2016), Young Scientist Award at 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP2016), and the Young Author Best Paper Award at the 20th Telecommunication Forum in Belgrade (TELFOR 2012). In 2015, the EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) presented her with the Teaching Award.
André SchiperAndré Schiper obtenu un diplôme en physiques de l'ETHZ en 1973 et un doctorat en informatique de l'EPFL en 1980. Il est professeur en informatique à l'EPFL depuis 1985, à la tête du Laboratoire de systèmes distribués. Durant l'année académique 1992-1993, il fut en congé sabbatique à l'Université de Cornell, Ithaca, New York (travaillant avec Ken Birman and Aleta Ricciardi), et en 2004-2005 à l'Ecole Polytechnique à Palaiseau, France (travaillant avec Bernadette Charron-Bost).
Ses domaines de recherches sont dans le secteur de la dépendance des systèmes distribués, support middleware pour systèmes dépendants, techniques de réplication (incluant bases de données), communication de groupe, transactions distribuées et MANETs (réseaux mobiles ad-hoc).
Prof. Schiper est membre du comité editorial de
Distributed Computing (DC), Springer Verlag - ACM,
Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), IEEE,
International Journal of Security and Networks (Inderscience).
Eric MeurvilleEric Meurville holds a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering and Digital Signal Processing from the Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers Paris, France. Since 1999, he has been working as head of the Product Design Group at the Laboratoire de Production Microtechnique of the EPFL and is responsible for advanced research projects in the field of wearable and implantable biomedical devices and in the design of innovative biosensors. During the last 9 years, he has been particularly active in bringing long-term implantable medical devices concepts to commercial realization. From 1995 to 1999 at the Institute of Microtechnology of the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, his main field of research was multi-modal biometric access control systems. He was also Project Manager at the "Laboratoire d'Etude des Transmissions Ionosphériques" (LETTI), France, from 1992 to 1995 in the field of over the horizon radars. As software and hardware developer of airborne electronic warfare subsystems, he spent 6 years at Thalès (formerly Dassault Electronics), France, from 1986 to 1992.
In 2011, he co-founds gymetrics. The companys primary aim is to bring to market easy to use, non-invasive cell culture monitoring systems. This will enable improved yields and better understanding of the impact of the cell culture environment changes on cell growth.
Babak FalsafiBabak is a Professor in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences and the founding director of the EcoCloud, an industrial/academic consortium at EPFL investigating scalable data-centric technologies. He has made numerous contributions to computer system design and evaluation including a scalable multiprocessor architecture which was prototyped by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle), snoop filters and memory streaming technologies that are incorporated into IBM BlueGene/P and Q and ARM cores, and computer system performance evaluation methodologies that have been in use by AMD, HP and Google PerKit . He has shown that hardware memory consistency models are neither necessary (in the 90's) nor sufficient (a decade later) to achieve high performance in multiprocessor systems. These results eventually led to fence speculation in modern microprocessors. His latest work on workload-optimized server processors laid the foundation for the first generation of Cavium ARM server CPUs, ThunderX. He is a recipient of an NSF CAREER award, IBM Faculty Partnership Awards, and an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship. He is a fellow of IEEE and ACM.
Boi FaltingsProfessor Faltings joined EPFL in 1987 as professor of Artificial Intelligence. He holds a PhD degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a diploma from the ETHZ. His research has spanned different areas of intelligent systems linked to model-based reasoning. In particular, he has contributed to qualitative spatial reasoning, case-based reasoning (especially for design problems), constraint satisfaction for design and logistics problems, multi-agent systems, and intelligent user interfaces. His current work is oriented towards multi-agent systems and social computing, using concepts of game theory, constraint optimization and machine learning. In 1999, Professor Faltings co-founded Iconomic Systems, a company that developed a new agent-based paradigm for travel e-commerce. He has since co-founded 5 other startup companies and advised several others. Prof. Faltings has published more than 150 refereed papers on his work, and participates regularly in program committees of all major conferences in the field. He has served as associate editor of of the major journals, including the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) and the Artificial Intelligence Journal. From 1996 to 1998, he served as head of the computer science department.
Nikolaos GeroliminisProf. Nikolas Geroliminis is an Associate Professor at EPFL and the head of the Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS). Before joining EPFL he was an Assistant Professor on the faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He has a diploma in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and a MSc and Ph.D. in civil engineering from University of California, Berkeley. He is an Associate Editor for Transportation Research part C and he also serves in the editorial board of TR, part B, Transportation Letters, Journal of ITS and of many international conferences. He is a member of the Transportation Research Board's Traffic Flow Theory Committee. His research interests focus primarily on urban transportation systems, traffic flow theory and control, public transportation and logistics, Optimization and Large Scale Networks. He is a recent recipient of the ERC Starting Grant METAFERW: Modeling and controlling traffic congestion and propagation in large-scale urban multimodal networks
Diploma, 2003, Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
M.S., 2004, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
Ph.D., 2007, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley