HUM-121(a): Global issues: climate ALe cours présente les enjeux mondiaux liés au climat : système climatique et prévisions ; impacts sur écosystèmes et biodiversité; cadrage historique et débat public; objectifs et politiques climatiqu
MGT-420: Climate entrepreneurshipClimate entrepreneurship is at the core of developing sustainable economy. The students learn climate aspects and practical view of launching a sustainable venture by developing a business plan coveri
HUM-123(b): Global issues: energy BLe cours abordera les grandes problématiques technologiques et socio-économiques liées à la transition énergétique, ainsi que les perspectives et barrières à l'établissement d'un système énergétique d
HUM-126: Global issues: sustainabilityCe cours présente les enjeux mondiaux de la durabilité. Il introduit les limites planétaires, leur interconnexion systémique et les thèmes de justice sociale. L'approche interdisciplinaire initie au t
AR-481: Architecture in the age of accelerationThis course proposes to investigate six strategies for architecture in the age of acceleration: Acceleration, Regionalism, Participation, Transformation, Commonality and Resilience. Anchoring these st
ENV-724: Climate economicsThe course introduces non economists to the economic analysis of climate change: economic activity and climate change, estimation of climate impacts, optimal mitigation and adaptation, national and in
AR-302(ae): Studio BA6 (Pantazis et Rentzou)In the center of Athens, the presence of water has been completely eradicated. With record-
high global temperatures and reduced rainfalls, it is now urgent to bring water back, creating
new types of
AR-402(ae): Studio MA2 (Pantazis et Rentzou)In the center of Athens, the presence of water has been completely eradicated. With record-
high global temperatures and reduced rainfalls, it is now urgent to bring water back, creating
new types of
PENS-223: Waters within citiesKnowledge of how to articulate the "urban transition" is today urgently needed. The course reflects on the possibility of designing an urban space without negatively impacting on its water quality.