Progressive educationProgressive education, or educational progressivism, is a pedagogical movement that began in the late 19th century and has persisted in various forms to the present. In Europe, progressive education took the form of the New Education Movement. The term progressive was engaged to distinguish this education from the traditional curricula of the 19th century, which was rooted in classical preparation for the early-industrial university and strongly differentiated by social class.
Informal educationInformal education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a traditional lecture or school based learning systems. The term even include customized-learning based on individual student interests within a curriculum inside a regular classroom, but is not limited to that setting. It could work through conversation, and the exploration and enlargement of experience. Sometimes there is a clear objective link to some broader plan, but not always.
Constructivisme (psychologie)Le constructivisme, théorie de l'apprentissage, a été développée, entre autres, par Piaget, dès 1923, face au béhaviorisme qui, d’après lui, limitait trop l’apprentissage à l’association stimulus-réponse et considérait le sujet comme boîte noire. L’approche constructiviste s'intéresse à l'activité du sujet pour se construire une représentation de la réalité qui l’entoure. Le constructivisme part de l'idée que les connaissances de chaque sujet ne sont pas spécialement une « copie » de la réalité, mais un modèle plus ou moins fidèle de celle-ci construit par lui au cours du temps.
Scientific literacyScientific literacy or science literacy encompasses written, numerical, and digital literacy as they pertain to understanding science, its methodology, observations, and theories. Scientific literacy is chiefly concerned with an understanding of the scientific method, units and methods of measurement, empiricism and understanding of statistics in particular correlations and qualitative versus quantitative observations and aggregate statistics, as well as a basic understanding of core scientific fields, such as physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, geology and computation.
Seventh gradeSeventh grade (also 7th Grade or Grade 7) is the seventh year of formal or compulsory education. The seventh grade is typically the second or third year of middle school. Children in seventh grade are around 12–13 years old. Different terms and numbers are used in other parts of the world. In Argentina, 7th grade is the final grade of primary school. In Australia, Year 7 is the first year of secondary school. It is actually the eighth year of schooling (Prep/Foundation, 1 to 6, then Year 7).
Twelfth gradeTwelfth grade (also known as 12th grade, grade 12, or senior year) is the twelfth year of formal or compulsory education. It is typically the final year of secondary school in most parts of the world. Students in twelfth grade are usually 17–18 years old. Some countries have a thirteenth grade, while other countries do not have a 12th grade/year at all. In Australia, the twelfth grade is referred to as Year 12. In New South Wales, students are usually 16 or 17 years old when they enter Year 12 and 17 or 18 years during graduation (end of year).
Design rationaleA design rationale is an explicit documentation of the reasons behind decisions made when designing a system or artifact. As initially developed by W.R. Kunz and Horst Rittel, design rationale seeks to provide argumentation-based structure to the political, collaborative process of addressing wicked problems. A design rationale is the explicit listing of decisions made during a design process, and the reasons why those decisions were made.
Sciences de l'éducationLes sciences de l’éducation concernent l’étude de différents aspects de l’éducation, et font appel à diverses disciplines : histoire de l'éducation, sociologie de l'éducation, didactique des disciplines, psychologie des apprentissages, pédagogie, ou encore philosophie. À la fin du en France, on parle initialement de science de l'éducation, puis des sciences de l'éducation. Cette discipline est née dans un contexte politique à la fois général et scolaire, avec les lois sur l'instruction obligatoire et la diffusion de l'école publique.
Wicked problemIn planning and policy, a wicked problem is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize. It refers to an idea or problem that cannot be fixed, where there is no single solution to the problem; and "wicked" denotes resistance to resolution, rather than evil. Another definition is "a problem whose social complexity means that it has no determinable stopping point".
Salle de classeUne salle de classe ou salle de cours est une salle destinée à accueillir les élèves. Elle se trouve dans les écoles, collèges, ou les universités. On y pratique l'enseignement. Une salle de classe contient du mobilier scolaire. Au Moyen Âge, l'enseignement ce déroule dans les églises et cathédrales sous la tutelle du clergé. Cette méthode est appliquée jusqu'à la renaissance, où les maîtres commencent à ouvrir les premières écoles et collèges privés. Les classes regroupent des enfants de tous les âges.