CS-411: Digital educationThis course addresses the relationship between specific technological features and the learners' cognitive processes. It also covers the methods and results of empirical studies: do student actually l
PHYS-101(a): General physics : mechanicsLe but du cours de physique générale est de donner à l'étudiant les notions de base nécessaires à la compréhension des phénomènes physiques. L'objectif est atteint lorsque l'étudiant est capable de pr
ENG-633: Supervising Students in ProjectsThe combination of practical and reflective activities in this course provide participants with evidence-informed teaching skills for supervising and evaluating students working on projects.
ENG-629: Lecturing and Presenting in EngineeringInformed by contemporary research on teaching engineering, participants design and deliver lessons for specific audiences. This course is relevant for teaching assistants and those who intend to make
CS-401: Applied data analysisThis course teaches the basic techniques, methodologies, and practical skills required to draw meaningful insights from a variety of data, with the help of the most acclaimed software tools in the dat