Katrin BeyerSince 2017 Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC), EPFL. Head of the Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (EESD) Laboratory
2010-2017 Assistant Professor, EPFL.
2008-2010 Post-doctoral researcher, ETH Zürich.
2003-2007 Ph.D., Roseschool / Università di Pavia, Italy.
2001-2003 Ove Arup & Partners, Advanced Technology and Research Group, London.
2001 Diploma, Civil engineering, ETH Zürich.
Xile HuXile Hu was born in 1978 in Putian, southeastern China. He entered the Peking University in Beijing in 1996. Besides learning too little chemistry, his biggest regret in the college was not able to correct his southern accent in Mandarin. After graduated from PKU, he went to the United States and began his doctoral studies at the University of California, San Diego. In December 2004, he finished with a Ph.D. in chemistry and some fond memories of the beautiful city of San Diego. He then moved to the Los Angeles area and become a postdoctoral scholar at the California Institute of Technology. There he enjoyed numerous stimulating scientific (and other) discussions with friends and colleagues. He also made plenty of friends outside the campus and was a frequent in many local Chinese restaurants. In 2007, after two pleasant visits to Switzerland, he decided to move across the continent one more time and join the faculty of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He now directs the Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Catalysis and is interested in developing chemistry for synthesis, energy and sustainability.
Aurelio MuttoniAurelio Muttoni est professeur ordinaire et directeur du Laboratoire de Construction en Béton de l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Suisse). Il a reçu son diplôme et son doctorat en génie civil de l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Zürich à Zürich, Suisse, en 1982 et 1989 respectivement.
Ses activités actuelles en matière d’enseignement se concentrent sur la conception des structures, la théorie et le dimensionnement des structures en béton ainsi que la conception des ponts. Son groupe de recherche est actif dans les domaines suivants : comportement et méthodes de dimensionnement des structures en béton, conception de structures innovantes, effort tranchant dans les structures en béton, poinçonnement des dalles, analyse non-linéaire des structures incluant leur fiabilité, adhérence entre l’acier et le béton, engrènement des granulats, fatigue et influence de la durée de chargement sur la résistance du béton, comportement mécanique et principes de dimensionnement pour le béton à ultra-hautes performances, béton textile et béton recyclé.
Aurelio Muttoni a reçu la distinction
Chester Paul Siess Award for Excellence in Structural Research
en 2010 et la médaille
Wason for Most Meritorious Paper
en 2014, toutes deux décernées par l’
American Concrete Institute
. Il est membre du Presidium de la
(Fédération Internationale du Béton), de plusieurs commissions et groupes de travail de la
et il a dirigé le
Project Team
pour la deuxième génération de la norme européenne EN 1992-1-1 (Eurocode pour les structures en béton).
Aurelio Muttoni est aussi co-fondateur et associé du bureau de conseil Muttoni & Fernández (www.mfic.ch). Ce bureau est actif dans la conception, l’analyse et le dimensionnement de structures porteuses pour les constructions d’architecture et de génie civil, ainsi que dans le conseil en matière d’ingénierie structurale. Stewart ColeProfessor Stewart Cole is an international authority in bacterial molecular-genetics and genomics. He has made outstanding contributions in several fields including: bacterial anaerobic electron transport; genome analysis of retroviruses and papillomaviruses; antibiotic resistance mechanisms; and the molecular microbiology of toxigenic clostridia. His studies on isoniazid and multidrug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, together with his pioneering work on the pathogenicity, evolution and genomics of the tubercle and leprosy bacilli, have made him an undisputed leader in the field of mycobacterial research. The findings of his research are of direct relevance to public health and disease-control in both the developing world and the industrialised nations. He has published over 250 scientific papers and review articles, and holds many patents.
Andreas FusterAndreas Fuster is an Associate Professor of Finance at Swiss Finance Institute @ EPFL and a Research Fellow at the CEPR. Previously, he worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Swiss National Bank. Andreas's main research interests are in empirical finance, macroeconomics, and behavioral economics. His recent work has focused in particular on the effects of technological advances on household credit markets. Andreas’s research has been published in academic journals such as the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Review of Economic Studies, the Journal of Finance, and the Review of Financial Studies. Andreas obtained his Ph.D. from Harvard University and also holds an M.Phil. from Oxford University and a B.A. from the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), all in economics.
Emmanuel DenariéEmmanuel Denarié is a civil engineer, with a PhD in Materials Science. He worked for 3 years in a civil engineering company where he was in charge of the design of structures and the maintenance of bridges. He has 30 years’ experience on research and applications in the field of building materials, advanced concretes, and rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures. He is since 2000 senior scientist and lecturer in the Laboratory for Maintenance and Safety of structures, at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), in charge of research and development activities on the application of concretes and advanced cementitious materials to the improvement of existing and new structures. In 2013, under the lead of Emmanuel Denarié, in cooperation with CEREMA, Subdivision des Phares et Balises from Lorient, and Lafarge, a turret at sea (Le Cabon, Brittany, France) was reinforced by a cast on site 60 mm thick UHPFRC shell. The strain hardening mix was developed jointly with Lafarge. This successful application in extreme conditions of access and restraint of the substrate (thin ring geometry) opened the way to large-scale industrial applications of UHPFRC for the reinforcement of existing structures.
Pierre GönczyPierre Gönczy obtained his PhD from The Rockefeller University (New York, USA) in 1995 and joined the laboratory of Tony Hyman at the EMBL (Heidelberg, Germany) as a postdoctoral fellow in 1996. He started his own laboratory at ISREC in 2000. In 2005, he became Associate Professor at the EPFL School of Life Sciences, and was promoted Full Professor in 2009.
Alfredo PasquarelloAlfredo Pasquarello effectue ses études en physique à l'Ecole normale supérieure de Pise et à l'Université de Pise et obtient leurs diplômes respectifs en 1986. Il obtient le titre de Docteur ès sciences à l'EPFL en 1991 avec une thèse portant sur les transitions à plusieurs photons dans les solides. Ensuite, il effectue des recherches post-doctorales aux Laboratoires Bell (Murray Hill, New Jersey) sur les propriétés magnétiques des fullerènes de carbone. En 1993, il rejoint l'Institut romand de recherche numérique en physique des matériaux (IRRMA), où sa recherche porte sur des méthodes de simulation ab initio. En 1998, le Prix Latsis de l'EPFL lui est decerné pour son travail de recherche portant sur les matériaux à base de silice désordonnée. Bénéficiant de plusieurs subsides du Fonds National, il constitue ensuite sa propre équipe de recherche à l'IRRMA. En juillet 2003, il est nommé Professeur en Physique théorique de la matière condensée à l'EPFL. Actuellement, il dirige la Chaire de simulation à l'échelle atomique.