MATH-124: Geometry for architects ICe cours entend exposer les fondements de la géométrie à un triple titre :
1/ de technique mathématique essentielle au processus de conception du projet,
2/ d'objet privilégié des logiciels de concept
MSE-450: Electron microscopy: advanced methodsWith this course, the student will learn advanced methods in transmission electron microscopy, especially what is the electron optical setup involved in the acquisition, and how to interpret the data.
CH-448: PhotomedicineThe most important clinical diagnostic and therapeutic applications of light will be described. In addition, this course will address the principles governing the interactions between light and biolog
MICRO-428: MetrologyThe course deals with the concept of measuring in different domains, particularly in the electrical, optical, and microscale domains. The course will end with a perspective on quantum measurements, wh
MICRO-424: Optics laboratories (autumn)This laboratory work allows students to deepen their understanding of optical instruments, optoelectronic devices and diagnostic methods. Students will be introduced in state of the art optical instru
MICRO-423: Optics laboratories (spring)This laboratory work allows students to deepen their understanding of optical instruments, optoelectronic devices and diagnostic methods. Students will be introduced in state of the art optical instru