CS-202: Computer systemsThis course will teach operating systems and networks in an integrated fashion,emphasising the fundamental concepts and techniques that make their interaction possible/practical. Core lectures will be
PHYS-467: Machine learning for physicistsMachine learning and data analysis are becoming increasingly central in sciences including physics. In this course, fundamental principles and methods of machine learning will be introduced and practi
COM-301: Computer security and privacyThis is an introductory course to computer security and privacy. Its goal is to provide students with means to reason about security and privacy problems, and provide them with tools to confront them.
EE-334: Digital systems designStudents will acquire basic knowledge about methodologies and tools for the design, optimization, and verification of custom digital systems/hardware.
They learn how to design synchronous digital cir
EE-426: Radio frequency circuits design techniquesRF has changed our daily life in our ever connected wireless world (guess how many radios you have in your smartphone?). The goal of this course is to get familiar with RF design techniques in view of
CS-438: Decentralized systems engineeringA decentralized system is one that works when no single party is in charge or fully trusted. This course teaches decentralized systems principles while guiding students through the engineering of thei
CS-522: Principles of computer systemsThis advanced graduate course teaches the key design principles underlying successful computer and communication systems, and shows how to solve real problems with ideas, techniques, and algorithms fr
MICRO-210: MicrocontrollersMicrocontrôleurs couvre le fonctionnement interne d'un microcontrôleur, des notions de base d'architecture de processeur et de système informatique ainsi que les interfaces de microcontrôleurs, et pro