PHYS-415: Particle physics IPresentation of particle properties, their symmetries and interactions.
Introduction to quantum electrodynamics and to the Feynman rules.
PHYS-416: Particle physics IIThis course aims to make students familiar and comfortable with the main concepts of particle physics, providing a clear connection between the theory and relevant experimental results, including the
PHYS-432: Quantum field theory IIThe goal of the course is to introduce relativistic quantum field theory as the conceptual and mathematical framework describing fundamental interactions such as Quantum Electrodynamics.
PHYS-471: Particle physics: the flavour frontiersThis course will present experimental aspects of flavour physics primarily in the quark sector but also in the lepton sector and their role in the development of the Standard Model of particle physics
PHYS-428: Relativity and cosmology IIThis course is the basic introduction to modern cosmology. It introduces students to the main concepts and formalism of cosmology, the observational status of Hot Big Bang theory
and discusses major
PHYS-452: Radiation detectionThe course presents the detection of ionizing radiation in the keV and MeV energy ranges. Physical processes of radiation/matter interaction are introduced. All steps of detection are covered, as well