MSE-326: Ceramic and colloidal processingThe course covers the production of ceramics and colloids from the basic scientific concepts and theories needed to understand the forming processes to the mechanisms and methods of sintering (firing)
MSE-304: Surfaces and interfacesThis lecture introduces the basic concepts used to describe the atomic or molecular structure of surfaces and interfaces and the underlying thermodynamic concepts. The influence of interfaces on the p
ChE-403: Heterogeneous reaction engineeringThe theoretical background and practical aspects of heterogeneous reactions including the basic knowledge of heterogeneous catalysis are introduced. The fundamentals are given to allow the design of m
MICRO-530: NanotechnologyThis course gives the basics for understanding nanotechnology from an engineer's perspective: physical background, materials aspects and scaling laws, fabrication and imaging of nanoscale devices.
PHYS-407: Frontiers in nanosciencesThe students understand the relevant experimental and theoretical concepts of nanoscale science. The course covers basic concepts like quantum size effects and their characterization techniques, and h
MSE-425: Soft matterThe first part of the course is devoted to the self-assembly of molecules. In the second part we discuss basic physical chemical principles of polymers in solutions, at interfaces, and in bulk. Finall
MSE-464: Assembly techniquesIntroduction to the assembly of materials by homogeneous or heterogeneous joints (welding, bonding, mechanical assembly). Mechanical and environmental resistance of joints.
ChE-310: Fundamentals of separation processesThe course will cover fundamentals concepts of separation processes involving chemical equilibrium and mass transfer. Students will design separation processes widely used in the industry, for the sep