CS-119(h): Information, Computation, CommunicationL'objectif de ce cours est d'initier les étudiants à la pensée algorithmique, de les familiariser avec les fondamentaux de l'informatique et des communications et de développer une première compétence
CH-448: PhotomedicineThe most important clinical diagnostic and therapeutic applications of light will be described. In addition, this course will address the principles governing the interactions between light and biolog
BIO-478: Pharmacology and pharmacokineticsThis course introduces the student to the fudamentals of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and drug-receptor interactions. It discusses also pharmacogenetics and chronopharmacology, to exemplify the chal
NX-423: Translational neuroengineeringThis course integrates knowledge in basic, systems, clinical and computational neuroscience, and engineering with the goal of translating this integrated knowledge into the development of novel method
BIO-341: Dynamical systems in biologyLife is non-linear. This course introduces dynamical systems as a technique for modelling simple biological processes. The emphasis is on the qualitative and numerical analysis of non-linear dynamical
DH-401: Digital musicologyThis course will introduce students to the central topics in digital musicology and core theoretical approaches and methods. In the practical part, students will carry out a practical project.
MATH-203(b): Analysis IIILe cours étudie les concepts fondamentaux de l'analyse vectorielle et l'analyse de Fourier en vue de leur utilisation pour
résoudre des problèmes pluridisciplinaires d'ingénierie scientifique.
EE-110: Logic systems (for MT)Ce cours couvre les fondements des systèmes numériques. Sur la base d'algèbre Booléenne et de circuitscombinatoires et séquentiels incluant les machines d'états finis, les methodes d'analyse et de syn