In the broadest sense, cultural resource management (CRM) is the vocation and practice of managing heritage assets, and other cultural resources such as contemporary art. It incorporates Cultural Heritage Management which is concerned with traditional and historic culture. It also delves into the material culture of archaeology. Cultural resource management encompasses current culture, including progressive and innovative culture, such as urban culture, rather than simply preserving and presenting traditional forms of culture.
However, the broad usage of the term is relatively recent and as a result it is most often used as synonymous with heritage management. In the United States, cultural resources management is not usually divorced from the heritage context. The term is, "used mostly by archaeologists and much more occasionally by architectural historians and historical architects, to refer to managing historic places of archaeological, architectural, and historical interests and considering such places in compliance with environmental and historic preservation laws."
Cultural resources include both physical assets such as archaeology, architecture, paintings and sculptures and also intangible culture such as folklore and interpretative arts, such as storytelling and drama. Cultural resource managers are typically in charge of museums, galleries, theatres etc., especially those that emphasize culture specific to the local region or ethnic group. Cultural tourism is a significant sector of the tourism industry.
At a national and international level, cultural resource management may be concerned with larger themes, such as languages in danger of extinction, public education, the ethos or operation of multiculturalism, and promoting access to cultural resources. The Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity is an attempt by the United Nations to identify exemplars of intangible culture.
Federal legislation had passed earlier in 1906 under the Antiquities Act, but it was not until the 1970s when the term "cultural resources" was coined by the National Park Service.
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Cet enseignement aborde les approches conceptuelles de l'anthropologie de l'urbain, les méthodes et les expériences de terrain. Il vise à développer dans une perspective historique et comparative des
vignette|350px|Fouilles archéologiques. vignette|350px|Théâtre romain, Alexandrie, Égypte, découvert par accident en 1960 par l'expédition polonaise égyptienne à Kom el-Dekka. L' est une discipline scientifique dont l'objectif est d'étudier l'être humain à travers l'ensemble des vestiges matériels (artéfacts et ) ayant subsisté au cours des siècles. Provenant de fouilles ou non, ces vestiges sont de nature variée : outils, ossements, poteries, armes, pièces de monnaie, bijoux, vêtements, empreintes, traces, peintures, bâtiments, infrastructures, etc.
La protection du patrimoine culturel fait référence à toutes les mesures visant à protéger les biens culturels contre les dommages dus à des causes naturelles ou anthropiques, la détérioration ou la destruction pratiquées intentionnellement (vandalisme, conflit armé) ou sans motif, le vol, le pillage, le détournement et le commerce illégal. Une première protection est édictée au niveau international par la convention de La Haye de 1954 portant sur la protection de ces biens culturels en cas de conflits armés.
L'archéologie préventive a pour vocation de préserver et d'étudier les éléments significatifs du patrimoine archéologique menacés par les travaux d'aménagement. Elle peut impliquer la mise en œuvre de diagnostics archéologiques (sondages), de fouilles (fouilles de sauvetage ou fouilles préventives) et dans certains cas, des mesures de sauvegarde. L’archéologie préventive s’est particulièrement développée en France à partir des années 1970 avec la multiplication des grands travaux d’aménagement du territoire et de constructions (autoroutes, lignes de voies ferrées, etc.
Nowadays, the energy efficiency of the existing building stock is internationally accepted as a topical issue. Energy retrofitting is encouraged, improving the thermal performances of buildings, but often altering the historical image of our cities. Attent ...
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