Fifth grade (also 5th Grade or Grade 5) is the fifth year of formal or compulsory education. In the United States, the fifth grade is typically the fifth and final year of primary school, though it may be the first year of middle school. Students in fifth grade are usually 10-11 years old. In England and Wales, the equivalent is Year 6. In Australia, the equivalent is Year 5, which children generally start between the ages of ten & eleven. In Ireland, the equivalent is 5th class. In Scotland 10-11 year olds are in primary school P7. In the United States, 41 states have implemented Common Core standards for 5th grade curriculum in English Language Arts/Mathematics. Key English Language Arts Common Core standards for 5th grade students include: Ability to determine the theme of a book, story, or poem from details in the text Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story Describe how the narrator or speaker's point of view may influence how events are described Compare and contrast stories in the same genre.