Electronic circuit simulation uses mathematical models to replicate the behavior of an actual electronic device or circuit. Simulation software allows for modeling of circuit operation and is an invaluable analysis tool. Due to its highly accurate modeling capability, many colleges and universities use this type of software for the teaching of electronics technician and electronics engineering programs. Electronics simulation software engages its users by integrating them into the learning experience. These kinds of interactions actively engage learners to analyze, synthesize, organize, and evaluate content and result in learners constructing their own knowledge. Simulating a circuit’s behavior before actually building it can greatly improve design efficiency by making faulty designs known as such, and providing insight into the behavior of electronics circuit designs. In particular, for integrated circuits, the tooling (photomasks) is expensive, breadboards are impractical, and probing the behavior of internal signals is extremely difficult. Therefore, almost all IC design relies heavily on simulation. The most well known analog simulator is SPICE. Probably the best known digital simulators are those based on Verilog and VHDL. Some electronics simulators integrate a schematic editor, a simulation engine, and on-screen waveform display (see Figure 1), allowing designers to rapidly modify a simulated circuit and see what effect the changes have on the output. They also typically contain extensive model and device libraries. These models typically include IC specific transistor models such as BSIM, generic components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors and transformers, user defined models (such as controlled current and voltage sources, or models in Verilog-A or VHDL-AMS). Printed circuit board (PCB) design requires specific models as well, such as transmission lines for the traces and IBIS models for driving and receiving electronics.
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Publications associées (5)
Concepts associés (4)
Electronic circuit simulation
Electronic circuit simulation uses mathematical models to replicate the behavior of an actual electronic device or circuit. Simulation software allows for modeling of circuit operation and is an invaluable analysis tool. Due to its highly accurate modeling capability, many colleges and universities use this type of software for the teaching of electronics technician and electronics engineering programs. Electronics simulation software engages its users by integrating them into the learning experience.
Comparison of EDA software
This page is a comparison of electronic design automation (EDA) software which is used today to design the near totality of electronic devices. Modern electronic devices are too complex to be designed without the help of a computer. Electronic devices may consist of integrated circuits (ICs), printed circuit boards (PCBs), field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or a combination of them. Integrated circuits may consist of a combination of digital and analog circuits.
SystemVerilog est à la fois un langage de description, se basant pour cela sur Verilog, et un langage de vérification de matériel, permettant de faire de la simulation et vérification. Il est standardisé sous le numéro IEEE 1800 par l'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). En 2020, le langage en était à la septième révision en 20 ans avec IEEE 1800-2017 publié en février 2018. Le développement de la norme est fait de façon transparente et collaborative, via le site accellera.mantishub.
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Cours associés (6)
EE-202(b): Electronics I
Découvrir le monde de l'électronique depuis les lois fondamentales des composants discrets linéaires et non linéaires. Les circuits obtenus avec des assemblages de composants nécessitent de nombreuses
EE-490(b): Lab in EDA based design
The goal of this lab is to get a working knowledge on the use of industrial state-of-the-art EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools and design kits for the design of analog and digital integrated ci
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Séances de cours associées (12)
Amplificateur de source commune: LTSPICE
Couvre l'analyse d'un amplificateur de source commune à l'aide de LTSPICE, en se concentrant sur l'amplitude maximale du signal alternatif.
Les bases du logiciel QUCS
Couvre les bases du logiciel gratuit Quite Universal Circuit Simulator (QUCS) pour la simulation de circuit.
Analyse des circuits MOSFET
Couvre l'analyse des circuits MOSFET à l'aide de LTSpice, y compris la configuration de netlisting et de simulation.
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MOOCs associés (4)
Electronique I
Introduction à l’électronique analogique- première partie. Fonctions de base réalisées à l’aide des amplificateurs opérationnels.
Electronique I
Introduction à l’électronique analogique- première partie. Fonctions de base réalisées à l’aide des amplificateurs opérationnels.
Electronique II
Introduction à l’électronique analogique- seconde partie. Fonctions linéaires de base réalisée à l’aide de transistor bipolaire.
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