Health services research (HSR) became a burgeoning field in North America in the 1960s, when scientific information and policy deliberation began to coalesce. Sometimes also referred to as health systems research or health policy and systems research (HPSR), HSR is a multidisciplinary scientific field that examines how people get access to health care practitioners and health care services, how much care costs, and what happens to patients as a result of this care. HSR utilizes all qualitative and quantitative methods across the board to ask questions of the healthcare system. It focuses on performance, quality, effectiveness and efficiency of health care services as they relate to health problems of individuals and populations, as well as health care systems and addresses wide-ranging topics of structure, processes, and organization of health care services; their use and people's access to services; efficiency and effectiveness of health care services; the quality of healthcare services and its relationship to health status, and; the uses of medical knowledge.
Studies in HSR investigate how social factors, health policy, financing systems, organizational structures and processes, medical technology, and personal behaviors affect access to health care, the quality and cost of health care, and quantity and quality of life. Compared with medical research, HSR is a relatively young science that developed through the bringing together of social science perspectives with the contributions of individuals and institutions engaged in delivering health services.
The primary goals of health services research are to identify the most effective ways to organize, manage, finance, and deliver high quality care; reduce medical errors; and improve patient safety. HSR is more concerned with delivery and high quality access to care, in contrast to medical research, which focuses on the development and evaluation of clinical treatments.
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Les politiques de santé consistent à fixer collectivement des caps pour donner à chacun les moyens de se soigner, et de rester en bonne santé le plus longtemps possible. De manière générale, le terme de « politiques de santé » désigne les politiques publiques des États, ou des autres échelons de décisions politiques (Union européenne, régions...). Mais l’État et les échelons locaux de décision politique ne sont pas les seules instances à se saisir de ces questions qui peuvent aussi être portées par des entreprises privées, des organismes d'assurance maladie, des groupes de citoyens.
Health human resources (HHR) – also known as human resources for health (HRH) or health workforce – is defined as "all people engaged in actions whose primary intent is to enhance positive health outcomes", according to World Health Organization's World Health Report 2006. Human resources for health are identified as one of the six core building blocks of a health system.
Une Managed Care Organisation (MCO) est un type d'organisation d'assurance maladie aux États-Unis. Il compte deux types d'organisations avec des modèles différents : les PPO () et les HMO (). Les HMO restreignent les soins de santé à l'intérieur d'un réseau spécifique (d'hôpitaux, de médecins, etc.), mais avec un PPO, plus coûteux, il est possible de consulter où on veut. Les HMO sont devenus très répandus depuis le , qui a notamment requis des entreprises employant plus de 25 salariés qu'elles offrent à ces derniers la possibilité de souscrire gratuitement à une HMO.
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Le cours présente l'enjeu mondial de la santé. Il aborde les défis posés par l'innovation biomédicale, les maladies infectieuses et neuropsychiatriques. L'approche interdisciplinaire intègre les SHS e
Le cours présente l'enjeu mondial de la santé. Il aborde les défis posés par l'innovation biomédicale, les maladies infectieuses et neuropsychiatriques. L'approche interdisciplinaire intègre les SHS e
Déplacez-vous dans le parcours impacté d'Ellen Silbergeld, soulignant son engagement à découvrir les risques pour la santé et à défendre les politiques de santé publique.
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Background: Evaluating the impact of health systems on premature mortality across different countries is a very challenging task, as it is hardly possible to disentangle it from the influence of contextual factors such as cultural differences. In this resp ...
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