In electrical engineering, a function generator is usually a piece of electronic test equipment or software used to generate different types of electrical waveforms over a wide range of frequencies. Some of the most common waveforms produced by the function generator are the sine wave, square wave, triangular wave and sawtooth shapes. These waveforms can be either repetitive or single-shot (which requires an internal or external trigger source). Another feature included on many function generators is the ability to add a DC offset. Integrated circuits used to generate waveforms may also be described as function generator ICs. Although function generators cover both audio and radio frequencies, they are usually not suitable for applications that need low distortion or stable frequency signals. When those traits are required, other signal generators would be more appropriate. Some function generators can be phase-locked to an external signal source (which may be a frequency reference) or another function generator. Function generators are used in the development, test and repair of electronic equipment. For example, they may be used as a signal source to test amplifiers or to introduce an error signal into a control loop. Function generators are primarily used for working with analog circuits, related pulse generators are primarily used for working with digital circuits. Simple function generators usually generate triangular waveform whose frequency can be controlled smoothly as well as in steps. This triangular wave is used as the basis for all of its other outputs. The triangular wave is generated by repeatedly charging and discharging a capacitor from a constant current source. This produces a linearly ascending and descending voltage ramp. As the output voltage reaches upper or lower limits, the charging or discharging is reversed using a comparator, producing the linear triangle wave. By varying the current and the size of the capacitor, different frequencies may be obtained.
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Cours associés (9)
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EE-202: Electronics I
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Personnes associées (1)
Concepts associés (4)
Digital pattern generator
A digital pattern generator is a piece of electronic test equipment or software used to generate digital electronic stimuli. Digital electronics stimuli are a specific kind of electrical waveform varying between two conventional voltages that correspond to two logic states ("low state" and "high state", "0" and "1"). The main purpose of a digital pattern generator is to stimulate the inputs of a digital electronic device.
Arbitrary waveform generator
An arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) is a piece of electronic test equipment used to generate electrical waveforms. These waveforms can be either repetitive or single-shot (once only) in which case some kind of triggering source is required (internal or external). The resulting waveforms can be injected into a device under test and analyzed as they progress through it, confirming the proper operation of the device or pinpointing a fault in it. Unlike function generators, AWGs can generate any arbitrarily defined waveshape as their output.
Générateur de signaux
Le générateur de signaux fait partie d'une classe d'appareils électroniques générant des signaux électroniques possédant des propriétés définies d'amplitude, de fréquence et de forme d'onde. Ces signaux générés sont utilisés comme stimulus pour des mesures électroniques, mesures généralement employées dans la conception, le test, le dépannage et la réparation d'appareils électroniques ou électroacoustiques. On trouve même à ces signaux des utilisations artistiques.
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