Twisted Bilayer Graphene (TBG) is a change of paradigm in condensed matter: with flat topologic bands, it provides a platform for unconventional superconductivity, correlated insulation, Plankian meta
This course aims to introduce the transport behaviors of micron-size systems, emphasizing learning about recent path-breaking experiments on 2D systems such as Graphene and other vad der Waala materia
Some topics covered in this class are: The Index theorem, solitons, topological band insulators/superconductors, bulk-edge correpondence, quantum anomalies, quantum pumping, symmetry protected topolog
To provide an introduction to all aspects of the rapidly evolving field of frustrated magnetism:
- New paradigms: spin liquids, spin ice, topological order, ...
- Basic models and methods
- Experi
This course gives the basics for understanding nanotechnology from an engineer's perspective: physical background, materials aspects and scaling laws, fabrication and imaging of nanoscale devices.
The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory of a few remarkable phenomena of modern condensed matter physics ranging from the quantum Hall effects to superconductivity.
Starting from a microscopic description, the course introduces to the physics of quantum fluids focusing on basic concepts like Bose-Einstein condensation, superfluidity, and Fermi liquid theory.
Introduce students to the magnetic and electronic properties of nanostructures
This course introduces the elementary topological concepts and tools that recently spread from condensed matter physics to various quantum and classical wave systems.
Series of lectures covering the use of electron spectroscopy for the study of the electronic and atomic structure of surfaces, nanostructures, and quantum materials. Special attention is given to vari