Collaborative mapping, also known as citizen mapping, is the aggregation of Web mapping and user-generated content, from a group of individuals or entities, and can take several distinct forms. With the growth of technology for storing and sharing maps, collaborative maps have become competitors to commercial services, in the case of OpenStreetMap, or components of them, as in Google Map Maker Waze and Yandex Map Editor. Volunteers collect geographic information and the citizens/individuals can be regarded as sensors within a geographical environment that create, assemble, and disseminate geographic data provided voluntarily by the individuals. Collaborative mapping is a special case of the larger phenomenon known as crowd sourcing, that allows citizens to be part of collaborative approach to accomplish a goal. The goals in collaborative mapping have a geographical aspect, e.g. having a more active role in urban planning. Especially when data, information, knowledge is distributed in a population and an aggregation of data is not available, then collaborative mapping can bring a benefit for the citizens or activities in a community with an e-Planing Platform. Extensions of critical and participatory approaches to geographic information systems combines software tools with a joint activities to accomplish a community goal. Additionally, the aggregated data can be used for a Location-based service like available public transport options at the geolocation where a mobile device is currently used (GPS-sensor). The relevance for the user at a specific geolocation cannot be represented with logic value in general (relevant=true/false). The relevance can be represented with Fuzzy-Logic or a Fuzzy architectural spatial analysis. Collaborative mapping applications vary depending on which feature the collaborative edition takes place: on the map itself (shared surface), or on overlays to the map. A very simple collaborative mapping application would just plot users' locations (social mapping or geosocial networking) or Wikipedia articles' locations (Placeopedia).
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Concepts associés (4)
Collaborative mapping
Collaborative mapping, also known as citizen mapping, is the aggregation of Web mapping and user-generated content, from a group of individuals or entities, and can take several distinct forms. With the growth of technology for storing and sharing maps, collaborative maps have become competitors to commercial services, in the case of OpenStreetMap, or components of them, as in Google Map Maker Waze and Yandex Map Editor.
Information géographique bénévole
L'information géographique bénévole (IGB) (parfois incorrectement appelée information géographique volontaire, par calque de l'anglais) est l'utilisation d'outils afin de créer, rassembler, et diffuser des données géographiques fournies bénévolement par des particuliers. L'IGB est un cas particulier du phénomène plus large de contenu créé par les utilisateurs et permet au public de prendre une part plus active à des activités telles que l'urbanisme et la cartographie. L'IGB fait partie de la néogéographie.
Cartographie en ligne
La cartographie en ligne (en anglais : web mapping ou webmapping) est la forme de la cartographie numérique qui fait usage d'Internet pour pouvoir produire, concevoir, traiter et publier des cartes géographiques. Elle repose sur les services Web dans la logique du cloud computing. Avec le Web 2.0, de nombreux services Web cartographiques sont apparus (cf palette en fin d'article). Certains sont « propriétaires », tels que Google Maps, Google Earth, Bing Maps, etc. D'autres sont fondés sur des démarches coopératives libres, tel que OpenStreetMap.
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Cours associés (14)
ENV-548: Sensor orientation
Determination of spatial orientation (i.e. position, velocity, attitude) via integration of inertial sensors with satellite positioning. Prerequisite for many applications related to remote sensing, e
DH-406: Machine learning for DH
This course aims to introduce the basic principles of machine learning in the context of the digital humanities. We will cover both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and study and imple
ENV-621: Hands-on bioinformatics for microbial meta-omics
This course will train doctoral students to use bioinformatic tools to analyse amplicon and metagenomic sequences. In addition, we will also touch upon meta-transcriptomics and meta-proteomics.
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