EE-627: Advanced lll-Nitride Semiconductor DevicesThis course covers advanced topics on compound semiconductors (lll-Nitrides) and their heterostructures, from both physics and
engineering perspectives, to explain the principles of some of the widesp
MICRO-523: Optical detectorsStudents analyse the fundamental characteristics of optical detectors, their architectures, selected applications and case studies. Photoemissive devices, photodiodes, infrared sensors and single-phot
EE-567: Semiconductor devices IIStudents will learn about understanding the fundamentals and applications of emerging nanoscale devices, materials
and concepts. Remark: at least 5 students should be enrolled for the course to be giv
PHYS-440: Particle detectionThe course will cover the physics of particle detectors. It will introduce the experimental techniques used in nuclear and particle physics. The lecture includes the interaction of particles with matt
PHYS-325: Introduction to plasma physicsIntroduction à la physique des plasmas destinée à donner une vue globale des propriétés essentielles et uniques d'un plasma et à présenter les approches couramment utilisées pour modéliser son comport
MSE-478: Organic semiconductorsOrganic semiconductors emerge as key materials for the digitization of our society. Students will learn about the working principles of thin organic film devices and understand the relationship betwee