Embryo transfer refers to a step in the process of assisted reproduction in which embryos are placed into the uterus of a female with the intent to establish a pregnancy. This technique (which is often used in connection with in vitro fertilization (IVF), may be used in humans or in animals, in which situations the goals may vary. Embryo transfer can be done at day two or day three, or later in the blastocyst stage, which was first performed in 1984. Factors that can affect the success of embryo transfer include the endometrial receptivity, embryo quality, and embryo transfer technique. Embryos can be either "fresh" from fertilized egg cells of the same menstrual cycle, or "frozen", that is they have been generated in a preceding cycle and undergone embryo cryopreservation, and are thawed just prior to the transfer, which is then termed "frozen embryo transfer" (FET). The outcome from using cryopreserved embryos has uniformly been positive with no increase in birth defects or development abnormalities, also between fresh versus frozen eggs used for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). In fact, pregnancy rates are increased following FET, and perinatal outcomes are less affected, compared to embryo transfer in the same cycle as ovarian hyperstimulation was performed. The endometrium is believed to not be optimally prepared for implantation following ovarian hyperstimulation, and therefore frozen embryo transfer avails for a separate cycle to focus on optimizing the chances of successful implantation. Children born from vitrified blastocysts have significantly higher birthweight than those born from non-frozen blastocysts. When transferring a frozen-thawed oocyte, the chance of pregnancy is essentially the same whether it is transferred in a natural cycle or one with ovulation induction. There is probably little or no difference between FET and fresh embryo transfers in terms of live birth rate and ongoing pregnancy rate and the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may be less using the "freeze all" strategy.
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Publications associées (95)
Concepts associés (17)
La grossesse, appelée aussi gestation humaine, est l'état d'une femme enceinte, c'est-à-dire portant un embryon ou un fœtus humain, en principe au sein de l'utérus, qui est dit gravide. En général, elle fait suite à un rapport sexuel, débute selon le point de vue à partir de la fécondation (fusion d'un ovule et d'un spermatozoïde) ou de la nidation (implantation de l'embryon dans l'utérus), et se déroule jusqu'à l'expulsion de l'organisme engendré.
Gestation pour autrui
La gestation pour autrui (GPA) est une pratique incluse dans la Procréation médicalement assistée (PMA), d'après l'Organisation mondiale de la santé. Il s'agit plus précisément de transplanter un embryon, dont les parents biologiques sont infertiles, dans l'utérus d'une autre femme, appelée « mère porteuse » ou « gestatrice », qui portera l'enfant jusqu'à sa naissance. À ce moment l'enfant est habituellement remis à ses parents biologiques ce qui distingue la gestation pour autrui de l'adoption.
Pregnancy rate
Pregnancy rate is the success rate for getting pregnant. It is the percentage of all attempts that leads to pregnancy, with attempts generally referring to menstrual cycles where insemination or any artificial equivalent is used, which may be simple artificial insemination (AI) or AI with additional in vitro fertilization (IVF). There is no universally accepted definition of the term. Thus in IVF pregnancy rates may be based on initiated treatment cycles, cycles that underwent oocyte retrieval, or cycles where an embryo transfer was performed.
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