MGT-414: Technology & innovation strategyThis course focuses on the economic and organizational conditions that shape technological innovation by firms. The intent is for students to learn core concepts that can make innovation initiatives
MGT-431: Information: strategy & economicsIntroduction to the economics of information and its strategic ramifications. The main objectives are to use economic theory to understand strategic interactions in the presence of uncertainty, estima
FIN-608: Information and Asset PricingWe study the role of information in equilibrium asset pricing models. We cover simple one-period models of incomplete and asymmetric information using competitive rational expectation equilibria and B
ENG-619: Information literacy for chemistsConcepts and tools to understand and use the modem chemical information environment Learn how to explore the scientific literature, how to use the information found in agreement with intellectual prop
ENV-610: Ecological economicsThis course is an introduction to economic theory applied to environmental issues. It presents the methods used to assess environmental impacts and natural resources as well as environmental regulatio
FIN-620: Game TheoryGame theory deals with multiperson strategic decision making. Major fields of Economics, such as Microeconomics, Corporate Finance, Market Microstructure, Monetary Economics, Industrial Organization,
HUM-228: Musical studies BCe cursus particulier - dont l'admission est sujette à l'acceptation d'un dossier de candidature (Les candidats libres ne sont pas acceptés) - offre à l'étudiant engagé dans des études en musique de h
HUM-415: Musical studies IICe cursus particulier - dont l'admission est sujette à l'acceptation d'un dossier de candidature (Les candidats libres ne sont pas acceptés) - offre à l'étudiant engagé dans des études en musique de h