

Nirjara is one of the seven fundamental principles, or Tattva in Jain philosophy, and refers to the shedding or removal of accumulated karmas from the atma (soul), essential for breaking free from samsara, the cycle of birth-death and rebirth, by achieving moksha, liberation. Literally meaning "falling off", the concept is described first in chapter 9 of the classical Jain text, Tattvartha Sutra (True nature of Reality) written by Acharya Umasvati, in 2nd century CE, the only text authoritative in both Svetambara and Digambara sects of Jainism. Later it also finds mention in Dravyasamgraha (Compendium of substances), a 10th-century Jain text by Acharya Nemichandra. Nirjara is preceded by stoppage of karma accumulation, or samvara, thereby ending asrava or influx of karma which leads to bandha or bondage due kasaya or passions of the soul, namely, krodha (anger), lobha (greed), mana (ego) and maya (deceit), besides raaga (attachment) and dvesa (hatred). Dravyasamgraha explains that the soul becomes dim due to the dust of karmic matter, thus nirjara itself offers a way to clear the soul, and ultimately leading to moksha, liberation. Nirjara is of two types, Bhava Nirjara, modification of soul which leads to separation of karmic matter from the soul, and Dravya Nirjara, actual separation of karmic matter from the soul. In turn, bhava nirjara is of two types, Savipaka and Avipaka. Savipaka - Passive Method - Also known as Akam or unintentional Nirjara, equanimous submission to the fruition of karma, and involves natural maturing of past Karma, in due course of time and experiencing the results, both good and bad with equanimity. If the fruits of the past karmas are not received without attachment or agitation then the soul earns fresh karmic bondages. It is also not possible for the soul to know beforehand when and which karma will start to produce results and therefore require good discipline in practicing equanimity under all circumstances.
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