Philippe GILLET est entré à lEcole normale supérieure de la rue dUlm (Paris) pour y mener des études en sciences de la Terre. En 1983, il obtient un PhD en géophysique à luniversité de Paris VII et rejoint luniversité de Rennes I comme assistant. En 1988, titulaire dun doctorat dEtat, il devient professeur dans cette même université et la quitte en 1992 pour rejoindre Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon.
La formation des chaînes de montagnes, et des Alpes en particuliers, est lobjet de la première partie de sa carrière scientifique. En parallèle, il développe des techniques expérimentales (cellules à enclumes de diamants)qui permettent de simuler en laboratoire les conditions de pression et de température qui règnent au sein des planètes. Lobjectif de ces expériences est de comprendre de quels matériaux sont constituées les profondeurs inatteignables des planètes du système solaire.
En 1997, il commence à travailler sur la matière extraterrestre. Il participe à la description de météorites venant de Mars, de la Lune ou de planètes aujourdhui disparues et explique comment celles-ci ont été expulsées de leur planète dorigine par des chocs titanesques avant darriver sur Terre. Il a aussi participé au programme STARDUST de la NASA et contribué à lidentification de grains de comète ramenés sur Terre après avoir été capturés au voisinage de la comète Wild-II. Ces grains représentent les premiers minéraux de notre système solaire, formés il y a plus de 4,5 milliards dannées. Il a aussi travaillé sur les sujets suivants :
interactions entre bacteries et minéraux;
amorphisation sous pression;
techniques expérimentales: cellule à enclumes de diamant, spectroscopie Raman,diffraction des RX sur source synchrotron, microscopie électronique.
Philippe Gillet a aussi une activité de management de la science et de lenseignement. Il a ainsi dirigé lInstitut National des Sciences de lUnivers du CNRS (France), présidé le synchrotron français SOLEIL, lAgence Nationale de la Recherche française(2007) et lEcole normale supérieure de Lyon. Avant de rejoindre lEPFL il a été le directeur de cabinet du Ministre français de la Recherche et de lEnseignement Supérieur.
Quelques publications :
Ferroir, T., L. Dubrovinsky, A. El Goresy, A. Simionovici, T. Nakamura, and P. Gillet (2010), Carbon polymorphism in shocked meteorites: Evidence for new natural ultrahard phases, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 290(1-2), 150-154
Barrat J.A., Bohn M., Gillet Ph., Yamaguchi A. (2009) Evidence for K-rich terranes on Vesta from impact spherules. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 44, 359374.
Brownlee D, Tsou P, Aleon J, et al. (2006) Comet 81P/Wild 2 under a microscope. Science, 314, 1711-1716.
Beck P., Gillet Ph., El Goresy A., and Mostefaoui S. (2005) Timescales of shock processes in chondrites and Martian meteorites. Nature 435, 1071-1074.
Blase X., Gillet Ph., San Miguel A. and Mélinon P. (2004) Exceptional ideal strength of carbon clathrates. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 215505-215509.
Gillet Ph. (2002) Application of vibrational spectroscopy to geology. In Handbook of vibrational spectroscopy, Vol. 4 (ed. J. M. Chalmers and P. R. Griffiths), pp. 1-23. John Wiley & Sons.
Gillet Ph., Chen C., Dubrovinsky L., and El Goresy A. (2000) Natural NaAlSi3O8 -hollandite in the shocked Sixiangkou meteorite. Science 287, 1633-1636.
Anders Meibom obtained his PhD in physics from the University of Southern Denmark in 1997. This was followed by two and a half years of PostDoc work at the Hawaii Institute for Geophysics and Planetology, where he conducted mineralogical studies of primitive chondritic meteorites. From 2000 to 2005, he was Research Associate in the Geological & Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, where he represented Stanford in the USGS-Stanford ion microprobe laboratory. In 2005, he became proifessor at the Muséum National dHistoire Naturelle in Paris. From 2006 to 2011 he was the director of the French national NanoSIMS laboratory. Since January 2012, he is professor at the EPFL in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC). From April 2014, he is professor ad personam at the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Lausanne.
I am currently an assistant Professor and the head of the Geo-Energy Lab - Gaznat Chair on GeoEnergy at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Prior to joining EPFL, I have worked for Schlumberger in research and development from 2006 until May 2015 - serving in a variety of roles ranging from project manager to principal scientist in both Europe and the United States. I received my PhD in mechanics from Ecole Polytechnique, France in 2002 and worked as a research scientist in the hydraulic fracturing research group of CSIRO division of Petroleum resources (Melbourne, Australia) from 2003 to 2006. During my time in Schlumberger R&D, I have worked on problems related to the integrity of deep wells, large scale monitoring of reservoir deformation and more specifically on the stimulation of oil and gas wells by hydraulic fracturing. My current research interests cover hydraulic fracture mechanics, mechanics of porous media and dense suspensions flow.
Aurelio Muttoni est professeur ordinaire et directeur du Laboratoire de Construction en Béton de l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Suisse). Il a reçu son diplôme et son doctorat en génie civil de l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Zürich à Zürich, Suisse, en 1982 et 1989 respectivement.
Ses activités actuelles en matière d’enseignement se concentrent sur la conception des structures, la théorie et le dimensionnement des structures en béton ainsi que la conception des ponts. Son groupe de recherche est actif dans les domaines suivants : comportement et méthodes de dimensionnement des structures en béton, conception de structures innovantes, effort tranchant dans les structures en béton, poinçonnement des dalles, analyse non-linéaire des structures incluant leur fiabilité, adhérence entre l’acier et le béton, engrènement des granulats, fatigue et influence de la durée de chargement sur la résistance du béton, comportement mécanique et principes de dimensionnement pour le béton à ultra-hautes performances, béton textile et béton recyclé.
Aurelio Muttoni a reçu la distinction
Chester Paul Siess Award for Excellence in Structural Research
en 2010 et la médaille
Wason for Most Meritorious Paper
en 2014, toutes deux décernées par l’
American Concrete Institute
. Il est membre du Presidium de la
(Fédération Internationale du Béton), de plusieurs commissions et groupes de travail de la
et il a dirigé le
Project Team
pour la deuxième génération de la norme européenne EN 1992-1-1 (Eurocode pour les structures en béton).
Aurelio Muttoni est aussi co-fondateur et associé du bureau de conseil Muttoni & Fernández ( Ce bureau est actif dans la conception, l’analyse et le dimensionnement de structures porteuses pour les constructions d’architecture et de génie civil, ainsi que dans le conseil en matière d’ingénierie structurale. I started my scientific career in 2008 at the Grenoble University in the IRSTEA laboratory where I did my master's thesis on the rheology of dense granular materials using the discrete element method. In the same lab, I followed with a PhD on the numerical modeling of the release depth of extreme avalanches using a combined mechanical-statistical approach and spatial extreme statistics. In 2013 I obtained a postdoc position at the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF in Davos where I was in charge of developing and applying numerical models to improve the evaluation of avalanche release conditions and thus avalanche forecasting. While my PhD was mostly theoretical and numerical, my postdoc in Davos allowed me to gain a practical expertise by participating in laboratory and field experiments which helped to validate the models I develop. In 2016, I was awarded a SNF grant to work as a research and teaching associate in CRYOS at EPFL on the multiscale modeling of snow and avalanche processes. I developed discrete approaches to model snow micro-structure deformation and failure in order to evaluate constitutive snow models to be used at a larger scale in continuum models. I also developed numerical models for wind-driven snow transport. In 2017, I was a Visiting Scholar at UCLA to work on a Material Point Method (MPM) to simulate both the initiation and propagation of snow avalanches in a unified manner. The UCLA MPM model was initially developed for the Disney movie "Frozen" and has been modified and enriched based on Critical State Soil Mechanics to model the release and flow of slab avalanches. The results of this collaboration have been published in Nature Communications. In 2018, I was awarded the SNF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship and became professor at EPFL and head of SLAB, the Snow and Avalanche Simulation Laboratory. At SLAB, we study micro-mechanical failure and fracture propagation of porous brittle solids, with applications in snow slab avalanche release. We also simulate avalanche dynamics and flow regime transitions over complex 3D terrain through the development of new models (depth-resolved and depth-averaged) based on MPM.In 2020, I obtained a SPARK grant to develop a new approach to simulate and better understand complex process chains in gravitational mass movements, including permafrost instabilities, rock, snow and ice avalanches and transitions to debris flows.
Prof. Lignos joined the École Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 2016 from McGill University in Canada where he was a tenured Associate Professor and a William Dawson Scholar for Infrastructure Resilience. He holds a diploma (National Technical University of Athens, NTUA, 2003), M.S. (Stanford University, 2004) and Ph.D. (Stanford University, 2008). In addition, he was a post-doctoral scientist at Stanford University (2009) and in Kyoto University (2010). Prof. Lignos teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in seismic design, nonlinear behaviour of steel and composite structures as well as supplemental damping systems, Structural Stability, Nonlinear Analysis and Performance-based Earthquake Engineering. His awards for teaching, research and service in Civil Engineering include the 2011 Outstanding Teaching Award (Faculty of Engineering, McGill University), as well as the Outstanding reviewer (2012, 2013) award from ASCE, the 2013 State-of-the-Art in Civil Engineering Award by ASCE and the 2014 Christophe Pierre Award for Research Excellence - Early Career. Just recently, he received the 2019 Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize from ASCE for significant contributions in developing state of the art methods to simulate extreme limit states in steel structures.Prof. Lignos is a member of ASCE and the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. He acts as an Associate Editor for Metal Structures and Seismic Effects of the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. He joined the Editorial Board of Earthquake Spectra and Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics International journals. He serves as an acting member of the CEN/TC 250/SC 8/WG 2 and has been selected as a member of the Project Team (PT2) for the Eurocode 8-Part 1 Current Revisions for Steel and Composite Structures. He is also a member of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) S16 technical committee for Steel Structures. Prof. Lignos is involved as a NEHRP consultant in numerous research-to-practice projects related to the behaviour and nonlinear modelling and analysis of structures applicable to the engineering practice through the Applied Technology Council (ATC). Detailed Curriculum Vitae (last update September 2018)