CS-214: Software constructionLearn how to design and implement reliable, maintainable, and efficient software using a mix of programming skills (declarative style, higher-order functions, inductive types, parallelism) and
CS-628: Interactive Theorem Proving CSA hands-on introduction to interactive theorem proving, proofs as programs, dependent types, and to the Coq proof assistant. Come learn how to write bug-free code!
CS-452: Foundations of softwareThe course introduces the foundations on which programs and programming languages are built. It introduces syntax, types and semantics as building blocks that together define the properties of a progr
CS-108: Practice of object-oriented programmingLes étudiants perfectionnent leurs connaissances en Java et les mettent en pratique en réalisant un projet de taille conséquente. Ils apprennent à utiliser et à mettre en œuvre les principaux types de
CS-210: Functional programmingUnderstanding of the principles and applications of functional programming, the fundamental models of program
execution, application of fundamental methods of program composition, meta-programming thr