MICRO-633: Practical in venture capitalIn a collaboration with EPFL, Verve is seeking PhD students who are interested in gaining first-hand Venture Capital
experience and are passionate about working with technology startups across Europe.
MGT-301: Foundations in financial economicsThe aim of this course is to expose EPFL bachelor students to some of the main areas in financial economics. The course will be organized around six themes. Students will obtain both practical insight
CIVIL-438: Risk analysis and managementLe cours vise à former les étudiants aux méthodes et outils permettant d'appréhender de manière fondée et scientifique la question de l'analyse et de la gestion des risques technologiques et naturels,
MGT-482: Principles of financeThe course provides a market-oriented framework for analyzing the major financial decisions made by firms. It provides an introduction to valuation techniques, investment decisions, asset valuation, f
HUM-461: Managing organizations IICe cours traite de la gestion des organisations, allant de l'entrepreneuriat à l'encadrement dans les entreprises. C'est la suite du cours I. En particulier, les participants apprendront à diriger, me
MGT-530: Sustainable logistics operationsWe address quantitatively the management of logistics operations, focusing notably on their environmental impact. Considering practical situations, focus is paid on the optimization of logistics syste
FIN-401: Introduction to financeThe course provides a market-oriented framework for analyzing the major financial decisions made by firms. It provides an introduction to valuation techniques, investment decisions, asset valuation, f