Feature (archaeology)In archaeological excavation, a feature is a collection of one or more contexts representing some human non-portable activity, such as a hearth or wall. Features serve as an indication that the area in which they are found has been interfered with in the past, usually by humans. Features are distinguished from artifacts in that they cannot be separated from their location without changing their form. Artifacts are portable, while features are non-portable.
FouilleEn archéologie et en paléontologie, la fouille est l'acte de rechercher des vestiges enfouis, qu'il s'agisse de constructions, d’objets ou de traces de l’activité humaine passée, et de procéder à leur mise au jour par enlèvement des matériaux et sédiments qui les recouvrent. Une technique précise doit être employée afin de tirer toutes les informations possibles des sols et structures fouillés. Une attention toute particulière est portée à la localisation exacte des objets découverts, à l'étude de la succession des différentes couches de terrain déblayés afin de pouvoir procéder à une étude stratigraphique.
Fill (archaeology)In archaeology a fill is the material that has accumulated or has been deposited into a cut feature such as ditch or pit of some kind of a later date than the feature itself. Fills are an important part of the archaeological record as their formation and composition can throw light on many aspects of archaeological study. A primary fill is the context that first appears in the sequence after the context representing the cut it "fills".
Phase (archaeology)In archaeology, a phase refers to the logical reduction of contexts recorded during excavation to nearly contemporary archaeological horizons that represent a distinct "phase" of previous land use. These often but not always will be a representation of a former land surface or occupation level and all associated features that were created into or from this point in time. A simplified description of phase would be that "a phase is a view of a given archaeological site as it would have been at time X".