AR-401(ap): Studio MA1 (Piovene et Fabi)The semester will focus on how architecture can become today a civic tool empowering the public city. We will look into the possibilities of a public architecture where openness and free appropriation
AR-301(ah): Studio BA5 (Malterre-Barthes)"To be useful, helpful, of assistance to someone:" The "In Service of: Le Mirail" studio reflects on the architectural project as a form of public service. It explores how architecture and design tool
AR-302(ah): Studio BA6 (Malterre-Barthes)This studio explores construction materials, their origins and supply chains, the norms that regulate their use, and deploys that as a brief to explore how a post-extractive architecture could emerge
AR-674: Transition workshop / Theory masterclassThe Transition Workshop1_ Theory Masterclass is the first theoretical part of a complete interdisciplinary and intensive training on the pathways for decarbonizing and resilient cities and regions, en
AR-496: Behind/Beyond future citiesWe are living in an urban world and the design of sustainable cities is essential in order to decrease our energy footprint. This course provides the instruments to understand the complex urban metabo
PENS-319: Ludic streetsCe cours se focalise sur la conception de l'espace public et sur les rapports qu'il entretient avec les usages. Au prisme de la place de l'enfant en ville, les étudiant·es construiront des dispositifs
AR-402(k): Studio MA2 (Huang)The studio examines the effects of artificial intelligence on architecture and cities. We explore data-driven design processes by the use of algorithmic and parametric tools that take into considerat
AR-362: Theory of urbanismLe cours de Théorie de l'Urbanisme traite des modèles, projets et techniques de l'urbanisme entre XIXe et XXIe siècle, en mettant en relation discours théorique et projet, texte et image. Le projet d'
AR-302(k): Studio BA6 (Huang)The studio examines the effects of artificial intelligence on architecture and cities. We explore data-driven design processes by the use of algorithmic and parametric tools that take into considerati