CH-432: Structure and reactivityTo develop a detailed knowledge of the key steps of advanced modern organic synthesis going beyond classical chemistry of olefins and carbonyls.
CH-422: Catalyst design for synthesisThis course on homogeneous catalysis provide a detailed understanding of how these catalysts work at a mechanistic level and give examples of catalyst design for important reactions (hydrogenation, ol
EE-348: ElectroacousticsCe cours a pour objectif de former les étudiants de section Génie Electrique et Electronique à la conception de systèmes acoustiques, à l'aide d'un formalisme basé sur l'électrotechnique. A la fin du
CH-335: Asymmetric synthesis and retrosynthesisLa première partie du cours décrit les méthodes classiques de synthèse asymétrique. La seconde partie du cours traite des stratégies de rétrosynthèse basées sur l'approche par disconnection.
CH-223: Organometallic chemistryBasic organometallic chemistry will be covered in this course.
- Structure and bonding in organometallic compounds.
- reactivity of organometallic compounds, stoichiometric reactions, catalyzed rea
ME-484: Numerical methods in biomechanicsStudents understand and apply numerical methods (FEM) to answer a research question in biomechanics. They know how to develop, verify and validate multi-physics and multi-scale numerical models. They
MSE-486: Organic electronic materialsThis course will introduce students to the field of organic electronic materials. The goal of this course is to discuss the origin of electronic properties in organic materials, charge transport mecha
BIO-110: Bio-organic chemistryThe aim of the course is to provide a chemical understanding and intuition to decipher and predict chemical processes in living systems.
BIO-341: Dynamical systems in biologyLife is non-linear. This course introduces dynamical systems as a technique for modelling simple biological processes. The emphasis is on the qualitative and numerical analysis of non-linear dynamical