The main objective of the course is to provide tools and notions for spacecraft design. The course will start with an introduction on systems engineering, then the different subsystems of a spacecraft
Amongst others, following topics will be covered during the course:
- Soft Microsystems and Electronics
- Electroactive polymers
- Printed electronics and microsystems
- Inkjet printing of polymers
This course discusses quantitatively some important and generic performance and reliability issues that affect the behavior of manufacturing systems and supply chains.
Space environment is different from what we can experience on Earth, requiring specific design approaches in order to achieve reliable operations. Engineers must hence face new challenges stimulating
This course consists of two parts:
- architecture of automation systems, hands-on lab
- dependable systems and handling of faults and failures in real-time systems, including fault-tolerant computin
Understanding, processing, and analysis of signals and images obtained from the central and peripheral nervous system
The aim of the course is to acquire the concepts and methods of Science and Technology Studies in order to learn how to decode the interweaving of science and technology in society by applying these e
The course aims to develop machine learning algorithms capable of efficiently detecting faults in complex industrial and infrastructure assets, isolating their root causes, and ultimately predicting t
This course will cover all the aspects of product design and system engineering from learning relevant methods to the actual implementation in a hands-on practice of product development.
Students understand what life cycle engineering is and apply this methodology to adapt and improve the durability of polymer-based products. They understand how to recycle these materials and are able