BIO-478: Pharmacology and pharmacokineticsThis course introduces the student to the fudamentals of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and drug-receptor interactions. It discusses also pharmacogenetics and chronopharmacology, to exemplify the chal
BIO-622: Practical - Lingner LabTelomere biology.
The students will obtain theoretical and practical insight into telomere biology and the roles of telomeres during cellular senescence and for genome stability.
BIO-692: Symmetry and Conservation in the CellThis course shows students how the physical principles of conservation, symmetry, and locality influence the dynamics of living organisms at the molecular and cellular level. Computer simulations are
EE-517: Bio-nano-chip designIntroduction to heterogeneous integration for Nano-Bio-CMOS sensors on Chip.
Understanding and designing of active Bio/CMOS interfaces powered by nanostructures.
BIOENG-110: General BiologyLe but du cours est de fournir un aperçu général de la biologie des cellules et des organismes. Nous en discuterons dans le contexte de la vie des cellules et des organismes, en mettant l'accent sur l
CH-319: Experimental biochemistry and biophysicsA 7-week long (4+8 h) experiment where you plan and construct a fluorescent sensor protein starting from DNA bricks. The protein will be expressed in and purified from E.coli, characterized by bioche
BIO-204: Integrated labo in Life sciences IIAu cours de deux semestres, vous utilisez la biologie moléculaire, la biologie cellulaire ainsi que la biochimie pour cloner un ADNc dans un plasmide d'expression, afin de produire, purifier et caract
CH-635: Chemical Biology Seminar Series 1PhD students can broaden their horizon in the field of chemical biology by listening to 14 talks by speakers who talk about their recent research. The PhD students get the opportunity to also personal
CH-636: Chemical Biology Seminar Series 2PhD students can broaden their horizon in the field of chemical biology by listening to 14 talks by speakers who talk about their recent research. The PhD students get the opportunity to also personal