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In marketing, brand loyalty describes a consumer's positive feelings towards a brand, and their dedication to purchasing the brand's products and/or services repeatedly, regardless of deficiencies, a competitor's actions, or changes in the environment. It can also be demonstrated with other behaviors such as positive word-of-mouth advocacy. Corporate brand loyalty is where an individual buys products from the same manufacturer repeatedly and without wavering, rather than from other suppliers. Loyalty implies dedication and should not be confused with habit, its less-than-emotional engagement and commitment. Businesses whose financial and ethical values (for example, ESG responsibilities) rest in large part on their brand loyalty are said to use the loyalty business model. Brand loyalty, in marketing, consists of a consumer's commitment to repurchase or continue to use the brand. Consumers can demonstrate brand loyalty by repeatedly buying a product, service, or by other positive behaviors such as by engaging in word of mouth advocacy. This concept of a brand displays imagery and symbolism for a product or range of products. Brands can engage consumers and make them feel emotionally attached. Consumers' beliefs and attitudes make up brand images, and these affect how they will view brands with which they come into contact. Brand experience occurs when consumers shop or search for, and consume products. Holistic experiences such as sense, relation, acting, and feeling occur when one comes into contact with brands. The stronger and more relational these senses are to the individual, the more likely it is that individual will make repeat purchases. After contact has been made, psychological reasoning will occur, followed by a decision to buy or not to buy. This can result in repeat purchase behavior, thus incurring the beginning brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is not limited to repeat purchase behavior, as there is deeper psychological reasoning as to why an individual will continuously re-purchase products from one brand.
Cristopher Ariel Zeballos Avila
Claudia Rebeca Binder Signer, João Vitor Meirelles de Miranda