AR-402(am): Studio MA2 (Everaert and Lateur)'Preparing for the apocalypse' takes you to Puglia, where people are confronted with millions of century-old olive trees dying.
In dialogue with local communities, we will explore whether architecture
AR-302(am): Studio BA6 (Everaert and Lateur)'Preparing for the apocalypse' takes you to Puglia, where people are confronted with millions of century-old olive trees dying.
In dialogue with local communities, we will explore whether architecture
AR-301(an): Studio BA5 (Truwant et Rodet)Modernism has instilled within us a fear for leaks, consequently fostering a desire for a hygienic, comfortable, and hermetic environment. We live in a watertight vessel. However, in the event of a gl
PENS-200: La maîtrise du sol en droit suisseCe cours est une introduction au droit. Il a pour but de sensibiliser les étudiant-es des trois sections ENAC à
l'importance de cette discipline pour la pratique de leur métier respectif et, donc, pou
AR-401(ah): Studio MA1 (Malterre-Barthes)"To be useful, helpful, of assistance to someone:" The "In Service of: Le Mirail" studio reflects on the architectural project as a form of public service. It explores how architecture and design tool
AR-674: Transition workshop / Theory masterclassThe Transition Workshop1_ Theory Masterclass is the first theoretical part of a complete interdisciplinary and intensive training on the pathways for decarbonizing and resilient cities and regions, en
PENS-225: RhonescapeRHONEscape aims at realizing the necessary interdisciplinary educational background of the problematics affecting highly-corrected large rivers, by examining riverine ecological, hydrological and morp
AR-301(ah): Studio BA5 (Malterre-Barthes)"To be useful, helpful, of assistance to someone:" The "In Service of: Le Mirail" studio reflects on the architectural project as a form of public service. It explores how architecture and design tool