Jean-Yves Le BoudecJean-Yves Le Boudec is full professor at EPFL and fellow of the IEEE. He graduated from Ecole Normale Superieure de Saint-Cloud, Paris, where he obtained the Agregation in Mathematics in 1980 (rank 4) and received his doctorate in 1984 from the University of Rennes, France. From 1984 to 1987 he was with INSA/IRISA, Rennes. In 1987 he joined Bell Northern Research, Ottawa, Canada, as a member of scientific staff in the Network and Product Traffic Design Department. In 1988, he joined the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory where he was manager of the Customer Premises Network Department. In 1994 he joined EPFL as associate professor. His interests are in the performance and architecture of communication systems. In 1984, he developed analytical models of multiprocessor, multiple bus computers. In 1990 he invented the concept called "MAC emulation" which later became the ATM forum LAN emulation project, and developed the first ATM control point based on OSPF. He also launched public domain software for the interworking of ATM and TCP/IP under Linux. He proposed in 1998 the first solution to the failure propagation that arises from common infrastructures in the Internet. He contributed to network calculus, a recent set of developments that forms a foundation to many traffic control concepts in the internet. He earned the Infocom 2005 Best Paper award, with Milan Vojnovic, for elucidating the perfect simulation and stationarity of mobility models, the 2008 IEEE Communications Society William R. Bennett Prize in the Field of Communications Networking, with Bozidar Radunovic, for the analysis of max-min fairness and the 2009 ACM Sigmetrics Best Paper Award, with Augustin Chaintreau and Nikodin Ristanovic, for the mean field analysis of the age of information in gossiping protocols. He is or has been on the program committee or editorial board of many conferences and journals, including Sigcomm, Sigmetrics, Infocom, Performance Evaluation and ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking. He co-authored the book "Network Calculus" (2001) with Patrick Thiran and is the author of the book "Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems" (2010).
Nava SetterNava Setter completed MSc in Civil Engineering in the Technion (Israel) and PhD in Solid State Science in Penn. State University (USA) (1980). After post-doctoral work at the Universities of Oxford (UK) and Geneva (Switzerland), she joined an R&D institute in Haifa (Israel) where she became the head of the Electronic Ceramics Lab (1988). She began her affiliation with EPFL in 1989 as the Director of the Ceramics Laboratory, becoming Full Professor of Materials Science and Engineering in 1992. She had been Head of the Materials Department in the past and more recently has served as the Director of the Doctoral School for Materials.
Research at the Ceramics Laboratory, which Nava Setter directs, concerns the science and technology of functional ceramics focusing on piezoelectric and related materials: ferroelectrics, dielectrics, pyroelectrics and also ferromagnetics. The work includes fundamental and applied research and covers the various scales from the atoms to the final devices. Emphasis is given to micro- and nano-fabrication technology with ceramics and coupled theoretical and experimental studies of the functioning of ferroelectrics.
Her own research interests include ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics: in particular the effects of interfaces, finite-size and domain-wall phenomena, as well as structure-property relations and the pursuit of new applications. The leading thread in her work over the years has been the demonstration of how basic or fundamental concepts in materials - particularly ferroelectrics - can be utilized in a new way and/or in new types of devices. She has published over 450 scientific and technical papers.
Nava Setter is a Fellow of the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and the World Academy of Ceramics. Among the awards she received are the Swiss-Korea Research Award, the ISIF outstanding achievement award, and the Ferroelectrics-IEEE recognition award. In 2010 her research was recognized by the European Union by the award of an ERC Advanced Investigator Grant. Recently she received the IEEE-UFFC Achievement Award (2011),the W.R. Buessem Award(2011), the Robert S. Sosman Award Lecture (American Ceramics Society) (2013), and the American Vacuum Society Recognition for Excellence in Leadership (2013).
Patrick ThiranPatrick Thiran is a full professor in network and systems theory at the School of Computer and Communication Sciences at EPFL. He holds an electrical engineering degree from the Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, an M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, USA, and he received the PhD degree from EPFL, in 1996. He became an adjunct professor in 1998, an assistant professor in 2002, an associate professor in 2006 and a full professor in 2011. He was with Sprint Advanced Technology Labs in Burlingame, California, in 2000-01.
His research interests are in communication and social networks, performance analysis and stochastic models. He is currently active in the analysis and design of wireless and PLC networks (scaling laws, medium access control), in network monitoring (network tomography, multi-layer networks), and data-driven network science. He also contributed to network calculus and to the theory of locally coupled neural networks and self-organizing maps.
He served as an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems in 1997-99 and for the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking in 2006-10. He is currently on the editorial board of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication. He is/was on the program committee of different conferences in networking, including ACM Sigcomm, Sigmetrics, IMC, CoNext and IEEE Infocom. He was TPC chair of AMC IMC 2011 and CoNext 2012. He is a Fellow of the Belgian American Educational Foundation and of the IEEE. He received the 1996 EPFL Doctoral Prize and the 2008 Crédit Suisse Teaching Award.
Alexander TagantsevALEXANDER K. TAGANTSEV received the B.S. degree from St. Petersburg State University, in 1974, and Ph.D. degree from Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1982 in solid state physics. Before 1993, he worked in Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, (1991-1993, head of laboratory), and St. Petersburg State Technical University (1991-1993, professor). He joined the ceramics laboratory of EPFL in 1993 where he was leading ( up to 2016) the section for Modeling and theory of Electroceramics. He is also currently engaged as a principle research fellow at Ioffe institute (St. Petersburg, Russia). Tagantsev is a theoretician of a broad domain of expertise from ferroelectricity and phonon physics to electrodynamics of superconductors and quantum optics. He is the author of key results on the theory of microwave dielectrics loss, dielectric polarization in crystalline materials, and relaxor ferroelectricity. He is also known in the field of ferroelectric thin films for elucidating works on the polarization switching and degradation in these systems. He authored or co-authored more than 300 scientific articles and two monograph (on domains in ferroics and tunable film bulk acoustic wave resonators). In 2007, Prof. Tagantsev was entitled to the Honors for lifetime achievement in the field of integrated ferroelectrics by the International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics.
Drazen DujicDrazen Dujic is an Associate Professor and Head of the Power Electronics Laboratory at EPFL. He received the Dipl.Ing. and MSc degrees from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia in 2002 and 2005, respectively, and the PhD degree from Liverpool John Moores University, UK in 2008. From 2003 to 2006, he was a Research Assistant with the Faculty of Technical Sciences at University of Novi Sad. From 2006 to 2009, he was a Research Associate with Liverpool John Moores University. After that he moved to industry and joined ABB Switzerland Ltd, where from 2009 to 2013, he was Scientist and then Principal Scientist with ABB Corporate Research Center in Baden-Dättwil, and from 2013 to 2014 he was R&D Platform Manager with ABB Medium Voltage Drives in Turgi. He joined EPFL in 2014 as Tenure Track Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2021. His research interests include the areas of design and control of advanced high power electronic systems and high-performance drives, predominantly for the medium voltage applications related to electrical energy generation, conversion and storage. He has authored or coauthored more than 150 scientific publications and has filed 16 patents. In 2018 he received EPE Outstanding Service Award from European Power Electronics and Drives Association and in 2014 the Isao Takahashi Power Electronics Award for Outstanding Achievement in Power Electronics. He is Senior Member of IEEE, and serves as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and IET Electric Power Applications. He is Chairman of the Swiss IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Chapter and IEEE PELS R8 Chair.
Mihai Adrian IonescuD'origine et de nationalités roumaine et suisse, Mihai-Adrian Ionescu est né en 1965. Après le doctorat en Physique des Composants à Semiconducteurs de lInstitut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, M. Ionescu a travaillé comme chercheur post-doctoral au LETI-CEA Grenoble, sur la caractérisation des diélectriques low-k pour les technologies submicroniques CMOS. Après une courte période au sein du CNRS, comme chargé de recherche 1ere Classe il a effectué un séjour post-doctoral au Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford University, USA. Actuellement il est Professeur Nanoélectronique à lEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
Camille Sophie BrèsProf. Camille-Sophie Brès est Professeur Associé dans l'Institut de Genie Electrique a l'EPFL. Ses recherches incluent les communications par fibre optique, et les effets paramétriques et nonlineaires dans fibre silice/non-silice pour le traitement ultra-rapide de signaux, résaux tout optique, sensing et source de lumière. Elle est auteur de plus de trente articles dans des revues arbitrées et a participé a de nombreuses conférences internationales. Elle a reçu le Gordon Wu Fellowship pour ses études de thèse, le NSF CIANs Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowship en 2009, le Early Career Woman in Photonic Award en 2016. 2019 - present: Professeur associé à l'Institut de Génie Electrique, EPFL2011 - 2018: Professeur assistant à l'Institut de Génie Electrique, EPFL 2010 - 2011: Assistant Project Scientist, University of California San Diego (UCSD) 2007 - 2010: Postdoc, University of California San Diego (UCSD) 2002 - 2007: Ph.D en Génie Electrique, Princeton University 1998 - 2002: B.Eng avec Honeur en Génie Electrique, McGill University
Jean-Pierre HubauxJean-Pierre Hubaux is a full professor at EPFL and head of the Laboratory for Data Security. Through his research, he contributes to laying the foundations and developing the tools for protecting privacy in today’s hyper-connected world. He has pioneered the areas of privacy and security in mobile/wireless networks and in personalized health. He is the academic director of the Center for Digital Trust (C4DT). He leads the Data Protection in Personalized Health (DPPH) project funded by the ETH Council and is a co-chair of the Data Security Work Stream of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH). From 2008 to 2019 he was one of the seven commissioners of the Swiss FCC. He is a Fellow of both IEEE (2008) and ACM (2010). Recent awards: two of his papers obtained distinctions at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy in 2015 and 2018. He is among the most cited researchers in privacy protection and in information security. Spoken languages: French, English, German, Italian