ENV-617: Snow Science Winter School (WSL)The modern techniques and methods to measure snow properties in the field and in the laboratory are introduced by specialists in the corresponding field. The methods are applied in the field and in th
MGT-462: New space economyThis course will teach students the major trends and characteristics of the space economy. We will examine key business models that use space technologies, including those that benefit from use cases
ENV-524: Hydrological risks and structuresLe cours est une introduction à l'hydrologie statistique avec un accent mis sur l'hydrologie des petits bassins-versants de montagne. Le cours comprend une introduction générale à la gestion des risqu
CIVIL-411: Dam engineeringDams are paramount for human development around the world. The course is an introduction to the fascinating domain of dam engineering, from design to construction, for water storage and regulated supp
CIVIL-211: GeologyLes ingénieurs civils exercent leurs activités en constante interaction avec le sous-sol.
Le cours de géologie donne aux étudiants les bases en Géosciences nécessaires à une ingénierie bien intégrée d
AR-481: Architecture in the age of accelerationThis course proposes to investigate six strategies for architecture in the age of acceleration: Acceleration, Regionalism, Participation, Transformation, Commonality and Resilience. Anchoring these st
HUM-114: Social studies in digital technologyLes étudiant·e·s analysent des dynamiques de co-production des sociétés et des technologies numériques, leurs enjeux et les problématisations dont elles sont l'objet, en apprenant à mobiliser des conc
BIO-244: Physics of the cellLiving organisms evolve in a physical world: their cells respond to mechanics, electricity and light. In this course, we will describe the behavior and function of cells using physical principles.