MSE-236: Metals and alloysCe cours constitue une introduction aux principes qui régissent l'élaboration, la microstructure et les propriétés des matériaux métalliques. Trois systèmes principaux d'alliages (Al, Cu, Fe) seront u
MSE-302: Phase transformationsCe cours est une introduction aux transformations de phases liquide-solide et solide-solide. Il aborde les aspects thermodynamiques et cristallographiques. Il traite principalement des matériaux métal
MSE-326: Ceramic and colloidal processingThe course covers the production of ceramics and colloids from the basic scientific concepts and theories needed to understand the forming processes to the mechanisms and methods of sintering (firing)
MSE-441: Electrochemistry for materials technologyThis course aims at familiarizing the student with state of the art applications of electrochemistry in materials science and technology as well as material requirements for electrochemical engineerin
MSE-465: Thin film fabrication technologiesThe students will learn about the essential chemical, thermodynamic and physical mechanisms governing thin film growth, about the most important process techniques and their typical features, includin
MSE-237: Practice in materialsLes TPs matériaux BA4 ont pour but d'illustrer de manière pratique les notions acquises dans les cours Introduction à la Science des Matériaux et Métaux et Alliages. L'accent est mis sur le lien entre
MSE-422: Advanced metallurgyThis course covers the metallurgy, processing and properties of modern high-performance metals and alloys (e.g. advanced steels, Ni-base, Ti-base, High Entropy Alloys etc.). In addition, the principle