MSE-238: Structure of materialsIntroduction to materials structure including crystallography, the structure of amorphous materials such as glasses, polymers and biomaterials as well as the basics of characterization techniques.
ME-251: Thermodynamics and energetics IThe course introduces the basic concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer, and thermodynamic properties of matter and their calculation. The students will master the concepts of heat, mass, and mom
MICRO-520: Laser microprocessingThe physical principles of laser light materials interactions are introduced with a large number of industrial application examples. Materials processing lasers are developing further and further, the
ME-323: Chemical process controlProvide the students with basic notions and tools for the modeling and analysis of dynamic systems. Show them how to design controllers and analyze the performance of controlled systems.
EE-548: Audio engineeringThis lecture is oriented towards the study of audio engineering, room acoustics, sound propagation, and sound radiation from sources and acoustic antennas. The learning outcomes will be the techniques
EE-203: Electronics IICe cours introduit les composants à semiconducteurs électroniques de base : diodes à jonction PN, transistors bipolaires et MOS. Leurs modes de fonctionnement en DC et AC sont étudiés. Les circuits
MICRO-422: Lasers: theory and modern applicationsThis course gives an introduction to Lasers by both considering fundamental principles and applications. Topics that are covered include the theory of lasers, laser resonators and laser dynamics.
PHYS-100: Advanced physics I (mechanics)La Physique Générale I (avancée) couvre la mécanique du point et du solide indéformable. Apprendre la mécanique, c'est apprendre à mettre sous forme mathématique un phénomène physique, en modélisant l
MATH-351: Advanced numerical analysis IIThe student will learn state-of-the-art algorithms for solving differential equations. The analysis and implementation of these algorithms will be discussed in some detail.