There are two types of radio network currently in use around the world: the one-to-many (simplex communication) broadcast network commonly used for public information and mass-media entertainment, and the two-way radio (duplex communication) type used more commonly for public safety and public services such as police, fire, taxicabs, and delivery services. Cell phones are able to send and receive simultaneously by using two different frequencies at the same time. Many of the same components and much of the same basic technology applies to all three.
The two-way type of radio network shares many of the same technologies and components as the broadcast-type radio network but is generally set up with fixed broadcast points (transmitters) with co-located receivers and mobile receivers/transmitters or transceivers. In this way both the fixed and mobile radio units can communicate with each other over broad geographic regions ranging in size from small single cities to entire states/provinces or countries. There are many ways in which multiple fixed transmit/receive sites can be interconnected to achieve the range of coverage required by the jurisdiction or authority implementing the system: conventional wireless links in numerous frequency bands, fibre-optic links, or microwave links. In all of these cases the signals are typically backhauled to a central switch of some type where the radio message is processed and resent (repeated) to all transmitter sites where it is required to be heard.
In contemporary two-way radio systems a concept called trunking is commonly used to achieve better efficiency of radio spectrum use and provide very wide-ranging coverage with no switching of channels required by the mobile radio user as it roams throughout the system coverage. Trunking of two-way radio is identical to the concept used for cellular phone systems where each fixed and mobile radio is specifically identified to the system controller and its operation is switched by the controller.
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Commercial broadcasting (also called private broadcasting) is the broadcasting of television programs and radio programming by privately owned corporate media, as opposed to state sponsorship, for example. It was the United States' first model of radio (and later television) during the 1920s, in contrast with the public television model in Europe during the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, which prevailed worldwide, except in the United States, Mexico, and Brazil, until the 1980s.
La radio FM, inventée en 1933 par Edwin Armstrong, est un procédé de radiodiffusion de programmes radiophoniques en modulation de fréquence (ou FM pour Frequency Modulation) dans la gamme des très hautes fréquences (VHF, Very High Frequency). Elle est destinée à être reçue directement par le public et s'applique à la fois à la réception individuelle et à la réception communautaire. Dans la plupart des pays, c'est plus précisément la bande 87,5 – 108 MHz (VHF – bande II) qui est utilisée.
La syndication ou souscription est un système qui consiste à vendre à plusieurs diffuseurs le droit de reproduire un contenu ou de diffuser un programme. Le vendeur de contenu est appelé syndicate. Le système de la syndication a été créé par la presse américaine, les syndicates vendant leur production (dessins d'humour ou politiques, comic strips, chroniques, éditoriaux, etc.) à plusieurs journaux locaux, sur le modèle des agences de presse diffusant leur contenu à plusieurs titres.
This study addresses the problem of profit maximization between wireless service providers (WSPs) and content providers (CPs) in wireless broadcasting systems, while simultaneously providing high quality of experience for end-users (EUs). We first study th ...
Ahlswede et al. in the seminal paper [1] have shown that in data transfer over networks, processing the data at the nodes can significantly improve the throughput. As proved by Li et al. in [2], even with a simple type of operation, namely linear operation ...
Collaborative ad-hoc dissemination of information has been proposed as an efficient means to disseminate information among devices in a wireless ad-hoc network. Devices help in forwarding the information channels to the entire network, by disseminating the ...