
1560 in poetry

Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). Pierre de Ronsard becomes court poet to Charles IX of France José de Anchieta, De Gestis Meni de Saa, written about this year, published in 1563; Portuguese in Brazil Rémy Belleau, a commentary on Pierre de Ronsard's Second Livre des Amours, criticism Jacques Grévin, Olime, containing odes, a pastoral, satirical sonnets and love sonnets; also including poems by Joachim Du Bellay and Rémy Belleau Pierre de Ronsard, France: Discours Oeuvres ("Works"), first edition Anonymous, Dane Hew, publication year conjectural (sometime from this year to 1584); comic tale of a lecherous monk murdered by an enraged husband, in which the corpse is moved back and forth between the murder scene and an abbey William Baldwin, The Funeralles of King Edward the Sixt Thomas Churchyard, The Contention Betwyxte Churchyard and Camell, upon David Dycers Dreame Barnabe Googe, The Zodiac of Life, Books 1–3, translation of Marcello Palingenio Stellato's Zodiacus vitae (c. 1528); see also, editions of 1561, 1565 John Heywood, A Fourth Hundred of Epygrams ("Fourth Hundred" actually means "fifth"; see also An Hundred Epigrammes 1550, Works 1562 Ann Lok, Sermons of John Calvin including (as Part 2), Meditation of a Penitent Sinner: Written in maner of a paraphrase upon the 51. Psalme of David — generally regarded as the first sonnet sequence in English Edward More, The Defence of Women, a reply to The Schole House of Women, which was anonymously published in 1541 (other replies Edward Gosynhyll's The Prayse of all Women and A Dyalogue Defensyve for Women against Malycyous Detractours by Robert Burdet, both 1542); Great Britain Bernardo Tasso, L'Amadigi, Italian epic poem published in Venice Judah Zarco, Leḥem Yehuda ("Judah's Bread"), Hebrew work published in Istanbul Death years link to the corresponding "[year] in poetry" article: August 4 – Sir John Harington, sources differ on whether he was born this year or in 1561 (died 1612), English courtier, author, poet and inventor of a flush toilet Also: Henry Chettle, birth year uncertain (died c.
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