Strength reductionIn compiler construction, strength reduction is a compiler optimization where expensive operations are replaced with equivalent but less expensive operations. The classic example of strength reduction converts strong multiplications inside a loop into weaker additions – something that frequently occurs in array addressing. Examples of strength reduction include replacing a multiplication within a loop with an addition and replacing exponentiation within a loop with a multiplication.
Test de performancethumb|Comparaison de performance entre différents types d'ordinateurs. Un test de performance est un test dont l'objectif est de déterminer la performance d'un système informatique. L'acception la plus courante de ce terme est celle dans laquelle ces tests logiciels vont avoir pour objectif de mesurer les temps de réponse d'un système applicatif en fonction de sa sollicitation. Cette définition est donc très proche de celle de test de charge où l'on mesure le comportement d'un système en fonction de la charge d'utilisateurs simultanés.
Déroulage de boucleEn informatique, le déroulage de boucle (en loop unrolling) est une technique d'optimisation des boucles visant à en augmenter la rapidité d'exécution. Il s'agit de dupliquer le corps de la boucle de manière à éviter de répéter l'instruction de saut. Il est possible d'appliquer ensuite d'autres optimisations (allocation de registre, ordonnancement des instructions) au code après duplication. Cette technique est fréquemment utilisée par les compilateurs optimisants, et permet aussi de générer du code vectoriel à partir d'une boucle.
Directive (programming)In computer programming, a directive or pragma (from "pragmatic") is a language construct that specifies how a compiler (or other translator) should process its input. Directives are not part of the grammar of a programming language, and may vary from compiler to compiler. They can be processed by a preprocessor to specify compiler behavior, or function as a form of in-band parameterization. In some cases directives specify global behavior, while in other cases they only affect a local section, such as a block of programming code.
Instruction schedulingIn computer science, instruction scheduling is a compiler optimization used to improve instruction-level parallelism, which improves performance on machines with instruction pipelines. Put more simply, it tries to do the following without changing the meaning of the code: Avoid pipeline stalls by rearranging the order of instructions. Avoid illegal or semantically ambiguous operations (typically involving subtle instruction pipeline timing issues or non-interlocked resources).
Control tableControl tables are tables that control the control flow or play a major part in program control. There are no rigid rules about the structure or content of a control table—its qualifying attribute is its ability to direct control flow in some way through "execution" by a processor or interpreter. The design of such tables is sometimes referred to as table-driven design (although this typically refers to generating code automatically from external tables rather than direct run-time tables).