Time-tracking software includes programs and applications that allows its users to record time spent on tasks or projects. Multiple industries utilize this type of software, including those that employ freelancers and hourly workers. These include lawyers, freelancers and accountants.
Time-tracking tools can be used stand-alone or integrated with other applications like project management software, customer support and accounting. This software is intended to be the electronic equivalent of traditional paper timesheets. Aside from timesheet software, time-tracking software also includes time-recording software, which uses user activity monitoring (UAM) to record the activities performed on a computer and the time spent on each project and task.
Timesheet Allows users to manually enter time spent on tasks.
Time-tracking/recording Automatically records activities performed on a computer.
Time-tracking software can be:
Standalone: Used only to record timesheets and generate reports.
Integrated as part of:
Accounting systems, e.g. timesheet data fed directly to company accounts.
Billing systems, e.g. to generate invoices, especially for contractors, lawyers, etc.
Project management systems, e.g. timesheet data used by project management software to visualize the effort being spent on projects or tasks.
Payroll systems, e.g. to pay employees based on time worked.
Resource scheduling, e.g. bi-directional integration allows schedulers to schedule staff to tasks, which, once complete, can be confirmed and converted to timesheets.
Timesheet software is software used to maintain timesheets. It was popularized when computers were first introduced to the office environment with the goal of automating heavy paperwork for big organizations. Timesheet software allows entering time spent performing different projects and tasks.
When used within companies, employees enter the time they've spent on tasks into electronic timesheets. These timesheets can then be approved or rejected by supervisors or project managers.