DeliriantDeliriants are a subclass of hallucinogen. The term was coined in the early 1980s to distinguish these drugs from psychedelics and dissociatives such as LSD and ketamine, respectively, due to their primary effect of causing delirium, as opposed to the more lucid and less disturbed states produced by other types of hallucinogens. The term generally refers to anticholinergic drugs, which are substances that inhibit the function of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Flying ointmentFlying ointment is a hallucinogenic ointment said to have been used by witches in the practice of European witchcraft from at least as far back as the Early Modern period, when detailed recipes for such preparations were first recorded and when their usage spread to colonial North America. The ointment is known by a wide variety of names, including witches' flying ointment, green ointment, magic salve, or lycanthropic ointment. In German it was Hexensalbe (witch salve) or Flugsalbe (flying salve).
PotionUne potion (du latin potio, boisson, breuvage) est une préparation liquide destinée à être bue, variante des philtres, élixir (alchimie), et élixir (pharmacie), aux effets entre autres médicamenteux, stupéfiant, psychotrope, toxique, magique, ou envoûtant... La préparation de potions remonte probablement aux origines de l'humanité et de l'histoire de l'art culinaire, avec la cueillette, la consommation, et l'étude de l'effet des plantes et autres ingrédients par les guérisseurs-chamans de la période des chasseurs-cueilleurs de la Préhistoire (à base entre autres de tisane, infusion, thé, fermentation, décoction, macération.