The physics of optical communication components and their applications to communication systems will be covered. The course is intended to present the operation principles of contemporary optical comm
The school provides a broad overview of the experimental methods for investigating the dynamics of solids and molecules at the sub-nm and sub-fs scales by the use of ultrashort light and electron puls
Presentation of the different sources of optical nonlinearities in an optical fibre
Provide understanding of the optical properties of materials, principles of laser operation and properties of generated light. Comprehension of basics of interaction between laser light and materials
This course describes the principles of attosecond photons and electron pulses generation
This course introduces the principles of nonlinear optics, their use in photonic integrated circuits and the applications of this technology for telecommunication, spectroscopy and metrology.
This course provides the fundamental knowledge and theoretical tools needed to treat nonlinear optical interactions, covering both classical and quantum theory of nonlinear optics. It presents applica
The course will cover the fundamentals of lasers and focus on selected practical applications using lasers in engineering. The course is divided approximately as 1/3 theory and 2/3 covering selected
The topics covered by the course are concepts of fluid mechanics, waves, and electromagnetism.
This course aims at providing engineering and design guidelines for selected Photonic Micro- and Nanosystems. In particular, Optical MEMS and Integrated Photonics are reviewed. Standard fabrication pr