
Thierry Aimar

Thierry Aimar (born 1966) is a French specialist of the Austrian School of Economics and History of Economic Thought. Aimar is assistant Professor of Economics at Sciences Po, Paris and the Nancy 2 University; he also teaches at Paris Dauphine University and ESSEC. He concentrates his research and writings on the Austrian School of Economics, extending to entrepreneurial and market processes, the economics of Knowledge and the Information economics as well as the psychology of decision-making. 1994, Le rôle de l’information dans la pensée économique autrichienne - Contribution à une lecture transversale de la théorie autrichienne, Thèse de doctorat ès Sciences économiques, under the direction of André Lapidus, University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. 1996, Money and Uncertainty in the Economic Thought of Carl Menger, in Uncertainty in Economic Thought, Cheltenham (UK), Edward Elgar Publisher, 1996, pp. 100–112. 1998, L’économie autrichienne du bien-être : quelle définition possible ? , Revue d’Economie Politique, September–October 1998, n°5, pp. 691–709. 1998, Ludwig von Mises et la tradition néo-autrichienne, in Histoire de la Pensée Economique (La période d’après-guerre), INFRA-M (Moscow, Russia), 1998, pp. 179–196. 1999, Ethique versus coordination ? Une controverse autrichienne soulevée par Rothbard, Revue Economique, March 1999, volume 50, n°2, pp. 301–321. 1999, Time, Coordination and Ignorance : a Comparison between Hayek and Lachmann, History of Economic Ideas, VII/ 1999/1-2, June 1999, pp. 139–167. 2001 Coordination, Survival and Normativity : a Hayekian Perspective Revisited, in Hayek as a Political Economist, New York City, London, Routledge, 2001. Hayek as a Political Economist (ed T. Aimar, J. Birner, P. Garrouste), New York, London, Routledge, 2001, , 246p. NTIC et organisation de l’espace public : les nouveaux enjeux de l’aménagement du territoire, in Démocratie et Management Local, Dalloz September 2001, > pp. 621–631. 2002, Traduction et commentaire de Economics and Knowledge [F.A.
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