Health economics is a branch of economics concerned with issues related to efficiency, effectiveness, value and behavior in the production and consumption of health and healthcare. Health economics is important in determining how to improve health outcomes and lifestyle patterns through interactions between individuals, healthcare providers and clinical settings. In broad terms, health economists study the functioning of healthcare systems and health-affecting behaviors such as smoking, diabetes, and obesity.
One of the biggest difficulties regarding healthcare economics is that it does not follow normal rules for economics. Price and Quality are often hidden by the third-party payer system of insurance companies and employers. Additionally, QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Years), one of the most commonly used measurements for treatments, is very difficult to measure and relies upon assumptions that are often unreasonable.
A seminal 1963 article by Kenneth Arrow is often credited with giving rise to health economics as a discipline. His theory drew conceptual distinctions between health and other goods. Factors that distinguish health economics from other areas include extensive government intervention, intractable uncertainty in several dimensions, asymmetric information, barriers to entry, externality and the presence of a third-party agent. In healthcare, the third-party agent is the patient's health insurer, who is financially responsible for the healthcare goods and services consumed by the insured patient.
Health economists evaluate multiple types of financial information: costs, charges and expenditures.
Uncertainty is intrinsic to health, both in patient outcomes and financial concerns. The knowledge gap that exists between a physician and a patient creates a situation of distinct advantage for the physician, which is called asymmetric information.
Externalities arise frequently when considering health and health care, notably in the context of the health impacts as with infectious disease or opioid abuse .
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Ce cours prend le tabac comme fil conducteur pour explorer les diverses dimensions d'un problème majeur de santé publique et ses multiples implications. L'enseignant étendra la discussion liée aux pro
This conference "Stress and Resilience: Exploring New Horizons in Science and Applications" brings together leading scientists from around the world who will share their latest findings on the fields
This course looks at the relationship between our environment - both professional and general - and our health. What hazards are associated with physical, chemical and biological pollutants? How can w
Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is a form of economic analysis that compares the relative costs and outcomes (effects) of different courses of action. Cost-effectiveness analysis is distinct from cost–benefit analysis, which assigns a monetary value to the measure of effect. Cost-effectiveness analysis is often used in the field of health services, where it may be inappropriate to monetize health effect.
Les politiques de santé consistent à fixer collectivement des caps pour donner à chacun les moyens de se soigner, et de rester en bonne santé le plus longtemps possible. De manière générale, le terme de « politiques de santé » désigne les politiques publiques des États, ou des autres échelons de décisions politiques (Union européenne, régions...). Mais l’État et les échelons locaux de décision politique ne sont pas les seules instances à se saisir de ces questions qui peuvent aussi être portées par des entreprises privées, des organismes d'assurance maladie, des groupes de citoyens.
right|thumb|From FLIES and FILTHto FOOD and FEVER En français : Des MOUCHES et de la SALETÉà la NOURRITURE et à la FIÈVRE Affiche publiée par le State Board of Health (Commission d'État sur la Santé) de la Floride en 1916. La santé publique peut être définie comme , ou encore comme des . Cette définition s'entend sur la population humaine. Une nouvelle conception "one health", "une seule santé", qui s'applique à l'ensemble des populations animales, végétales et leurs interconnexions complexes avec l'environnement, émerge depuis les années 2000 et permet une approche plus globale de la santé notamment publique.
Couvre les lois fondamentales de la physique et de la mécanique pour les étudiants SIE et GC, soulignant l'importance de comprendre le comportement de la matière.
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This thesis is inscribed in the recent efforts to reconnect urban planning and public health. It focused on the context of sub-Saharan African cities, for they offer invaluable lessons regarding environmental health determinants and potential solutions to ...