A Deep energy retrofit (abbreviated as DER) can be broadly categorized as an energy conservation measure in an existing building also leading to an overall improvement in the building performance. While there is no exact definition for a deep energy retrofit, it can be defined as a whole-building analysis and construction process, that aims at achieving on-site energy use minimization in a building by 50% or more compared to the baseline energy use (calculated using utility bills analysis) making use of existing technologies, materials and construction practices. Such a retrofit reaps multifold (energy and non-energy) benefits beyond energy cost savings, unlike conventional energy retrofit. It may also involve remodeling the building to achieve a harmony in energy, indoor air quality, durability, and thermal comfort. An integrated project delivery method is recommended for a deep energy retrofit project. An over-time approach in a deep energy retrofitting project provides a solution to the large upfront costs problem in all-at-once execution of the project. DERs are projects that create new, valuable assets from existing residences, by bringing homes into alignment with the expectations of the 21st century 82% of final energy consumption in buildings was supplied by fossil fuels in 2015. The energy-related emissions account for the environmental impact due to a building. The Global Status Report 2017 prepared by the International Energy Agency (IEA) for the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GABC) highlights the significance of the buildings and construction sector in global energy consumption and related emissions again. Deep energy retrofitting in existing building stocks is critical to achieve the global climate goals laid down in the Paris Agreement. Conventional energy retrofits focus on isolated system upgrades (i.e. lighting and (HVAC) Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment). These retrofits are generally simple and fast, but they often miss opportunity for saving more energy cost-effectively.
Franz Graf, Giulia Marino, Giuseppe Galbiati