EE-554: Automatic speech processingThe goal of this course is to provide the students with the main formalisms, models and algorithms required for the implementation of advanced speech processing applications (involving, among others,
MSE-440: Composites technologyThe latest developments in processing and the novel generations of organic composites are discussed.
Nanocomposites, adaptive composites and biocomposites are presented. Product development, cost anal
AR-489: Urban sociologyCe cours a pour objectif de familiariser les étudiants à la sociologie urbaine et aux outils qu'elle propose pour décrire et analyser l'articulation des enjeux spatiaux, sociaux et politiques.
CS-421: Machine learning for behavioral dataComputer environments such as educational games, interactive simulations, and web services provide large amounts of data, which can be analyzed and serve as a basis for adaptation. This course will co
NX-422: Neural interfacesNeural interfaces (NI) are bioelectronic systems that interface the nervous system to digital technologies. This course presents their main building blocks (transducers, instrumentation & communicatio